White fang part 2

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A red blade came to life from his weapon, her eyes were wide as the chain that tied her to a pole cracked like it was nothing. She looked around the room she was trapped in, she saw the panic in their eyes, but they were not moving, as if they were frozen in place.

She was about to get on her feet, but an invisible force lifted her gently from the ground, she didn't resist as she was too tired to even try.

She levitated until she was finally placed behind one of the metal walls of the outside fortress.

Somehow, she had a feeling that she and her sister would get to see their mother again.

Vader released the force stasis in which he had placed the room to take the girl out of harm's way. She was far too young to be placed in a situation like that.

The White Fang members finally managing to move after being frozen in place, but they were still in shock of what had just happened. 20 in total, more of them deeper into the small base.

White fang member: KILL HIM! 

One of them ordered, finally taking the room out of their trance.

Vader: This will take but a moment. 

Vader said as dust rounds started to fly across the room. He moved from the center of the room, avoiding the hail of gunfire. In between dodging the bullets, he threw his lightsaber, the spinning weapon eliminating 6 of them before returning to Vader's hand.

Vader approached another group, carving a path between them with his lightsaber, 5 of them fell to his blade before he caught another 2 in a force choke. He continued dashing across the room, cracking the necks of the pair he had in the choke.

The remaining of them realized they were fighting a losing battle and decided to retreat.

white fang member: FUCKING RUN! 

They screamed in terror, running behind one of the blast doors. Vader let them, walking in a steady pace towards them. They ran to a hallway, trying to escape Vader's wrath. When almost all of them were through, one of them pulled the lever controls of the door, in turn, the security door closed and left one of them behind.


The unfortunate White Fang member screamed at his comrades on the other side. hitting at the reinforced glass and hoping for a miracle to save him from Vader's wrath.

Sadly, it would not come, as Vader's lightsaber pierced through his back and the door. Vader used the force to pull the lever and open the door again. One of them realized of it and tried to overpower Vader in a futile attempt. The White Fang members stared in utter terror at the opening door.

When it finally opened, the body of the recently deceased WF grunt fell to the ground.

6 of them left.

The unknown man was killing them. As he ran, he decided to go to the control room to warn of what was happening. The 6 of them were all that was left of the small garrison of the provisional base Kilo. The group continued ahead but he took a right in the narrow hallways of the base.

He ran to the door, opened it with a kick, and hid inside, he heard as the footsteps passed and continued following the path the rest of his comrades had chosen.

He approached the control panel and entered lockdown mode for the base, which turned off the lights in the base, something that would potentially blind the man attacking them.

Then, he approached the comms, turning them on and tuning the frequency the White Fang used for important messages to HQ.

WF member: HQ. HQ. Do you copy HQ? This is Sergeant Akira. Over. 

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