Truths and Memories

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Yang continued to drive along the unknown pathway, the others listened in on Maria's incredible tale about how she lost her eyes, about how she was the fearsome, legendary Grimm Reaper. Maul's respect for the old woman growing by the second.

Maul chuckled as Qrow began fanboying over the old woman, obviously happy to meet his inspiration and Idol.

As they continued to speak though, Maul's attention was drawn to Ruby's scroll, which was now ringing. Ruby pulled out the scroll, her face lighting up in delight.

Ruby: It's Jaune!

Yang stopped the bike once she heard this, everybody else seems in disbelief over Jaune being able to reach them this far out.

Weiss: How?

Maul: Maybe our luck has changed...

Qrow scoffed at this but had a small smile on his face.

Ruby: H-Hello?

Jaune: Ruby! Oh, thank you! I've been checking my scroll for your signal since we made it to the city!

Ruby: The city?

Weiss: Huh?

Ruby: Wait-

Ruby held her scroll out, seeing the signal strengthen Yang revved bumblebee and drove up the hill. Maul and the others strained their necks as they drove up the hill. A wave of relief washes over them as the snow begins to thaw as they see the city lights. Yang smiled and turned to face the group.

Yang: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Argus.

Once inside the city, Yang stored her bike inside a storage unit. Digging around, Qrow found an old wheelchair to wheel around Maul in, he begrudgingly got on, obviously hating not having his legs anymore.

As they walked down the road, eyes were drawn to them, Qrow spoke up.

Qrow: So... Where are we supposed to go?

Maul reached out with the force, searching for Vader and Ahsoka, he smiled while having still having his eyes closed.

Maul: Do not fret... They will be here soon.

On queue, as they rounded the corner, the other half of the group ran into them.

Jaune: Ruby!

Ruby: Jaune!

The two hugged as the two groups reconciled, Nora was zipping around giving hugs to everyone but hesitated when she saw Maul missing half of his body.

Vader: Maul... What happened to your legs?

Maul: I had to abandon them when we ran into Grimm.

Weiss: Well, when we get to Atlas, I'm sure I could get you new ones.

Maul nodded at this, pushing the wheelchair forward with the force. They walked down the road before getting into a trolley, Maul having some trouble.

As they rode down the trolley, the kids all spoke with each other as the force-wielders and the Mandalorian spoke with each other.

Maul: In our travels... I have learned our purpose and why we're here.

Maul said this in a hushed tone, making everybody lean closer to him. The kid's conversation drowning out their own.

Vader: How?

Maul: The relic of knowledge. (Trolley comes to a stop) I will explain once we get back to the house.

As they stood off the trolley, Oscar volunteered to push Maul, while asking a question.

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