Huntsmen or Soldiers?

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Din flew over several buildings, still carrying Maul and Ahsoka. They had cleared out a part of Mantle. Meanwhile, Ironwood had engaged in a confrontation with Watts that ultimately led to the hacker's defeat. Qrow, Robyn, and Clover had banded together and all managed to take out the psychotic Tyrian quite easily due to their teamwork.

Din: General?

Ironwood: Everyone, you are needed back in Atlas, immediately.

Din: Wait, we haven't finished evacuation!

Ironwood: This is urgent! It's an order, fall back for now!

Din remained silent, setting down onto the ground.

Maul: What in the force was that?

Ahsoka: ...No telling.

A bullhead landed in front of them, the door opened to reveal the Ace Ops, JNPR, and RWBY.

Harriet: We have our orders! Let's go!

Ahsoka made her way onto the bullhead, Maul glanced over at a still Din before staying in place.

Elm: What are you doing?! Let's go!

Din: No...

Harriet: What?

Din: I said No, we're staying.

Harriet: We have our orders-!

Din: To hell with the orders! There are still a ton of people and Grimm down here! Not up there! Down. Here.

Harriet: what the hell is your problem! (Moves closer to point a finger at him)

Din: My problem is that you're leaving all these people alone, to fend for themselves! (Notices something in the corner of his eye, and begins to reload his pulse rifle)

Harriet: Good Huntsman follow orders!

Din: Good soldiers follow orders! If you can't see the difference, (kicks a deactivated Atlesian Knight) your no better than a droid...

Din swings his pulse rifle around, shooting a sabyr that had just emerged from an alleyway. He then walks away from Harriet and the bullhead, being followed by Maul.

Harriet: Psh, please. As if you'll do anything to the Grimm.

Din: Better than knowing I left them here to die...

Harriet storms back to the bullhead, closing the door as it took off, sitting in the pilots chair.

Ruby: We're just leaving them?!

Harriet: We'll deal with them later. Right now, we've got orders.

Ironwood lets out a relieved sigh and grins. However, when he looks ahead of him, his grin instantly fades, his eyes widen in shock and he drops Watts' bag on the floor.

Just outside the academy, transports of Atlas Academy students are arriving, and Winter Schnee is instructing them.

Winter: All students are to remain indoors until further notice. Faculty and upperclassmen can provide gui--

Winter's communicator makes a noise, and she answers it. Ironwood's voice comes through, and his tone is gravely serious.

Ironwood: (over communicator) Schnee.

Winter: Yes, sir?

Ironwood: (over communicator) Was anyone caught trying to enter the school grounds while I was away?

Winter's eyes widen, and she turns to look at the school.

Winter: (uncertain) N-no.

Ironwood: (over communicator, speaking slowly) Are. You. Sure?

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