Din vs Tyrian

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Din observed their surroundings, in front of them was a destroyed village. Probably destroyed by Grimm Din thought. A perfect place for an ambush.

Ren: What are you doing?

Din: Scouting ahead.

Nora: Aren't you being a little paranoid?

Din: It's saved me before.

Jaune: But it's not like anyone has tried to attack us besides Grimm these past few days.

Din: You say this now...

Ruby: Well I say it's safe! Let's go!

Pyrrha: Yeah! Let's go!

She said motioning behind her for the rest of the party, who eagerly followed them besides Din's protests.

Din: Wait! Dang Ferrick... these kids are gonna be the death of me. They're even worse than Grogu.

Din slung his pulse rifle over his shoulder and slid down the hill to catch up with the group. As they walked through the village, Ruby began talking.

Ruby: See! Nothing to worry abo - !

Ruby was cut off as two arms shot out of the ruins and grabbed her, pulling her inside.

Din: This is why I'm paranoid!

Rocketing forward with his jetpack, Din grabbed his blaster and shot into the darkness, a man cursing in response.

Man: My ear! You'll pay for that!

A man in a white shirt jumped out, tackling Din making them roll into another building. But Din quickly overpowered him, tackling him in response, Din activated his Jetpack and they crashed through a wall.

The man quickly escaped Din's grasp and rolled on the ground, Din landed as well, pulling the beskar spear off his jetpack.

Din: Just who are you?

Tyrian: I am Tyrian, and I must capture the rose girl for my Queen!

Din: I won't let that happen.

Tyrian: Ooh! Brave one aren't you! Well, you know what they say, double the pride, double fall!

With that Tyrian launched himself towards Din, obviously toying with Din, he dodged the blades and deflected the other with his spear. Spinning, he slashed his face with the spearhead, making a nice gash across his face, Tyrian obviously surprised he was able to wound him.

Din: What did you say? Twice the pride, double the fall?

Tyrian flipped upwards with incredible speed, before rapidly attacking him, Din barely able to block the attacks.

Attacking by kicking with both of his feet, Din raised his arm to block, using the momentum Tyrian launched back towards Ruby and Pyrrha.

Ruby: Why are you attacking us?!

Din fired his grapple, wrapping around Tyrian's legs, with a pull he brought him to the ground.

Tyrian: You! Are! Annoying!

Tyrian ran back to Din, he watched as he brought back his fist, Tyrian smiled ready to dodge the attack but didn't expect a plume of flames to shoot out. Tyrian yelled as his braid caught on fire.

Rolling around to extinguish his braid, he growled before attacking Din again, only to be shot at by Ruby.

Tyrian: Do you wish to be taken?!

Ruby: No! But I won't just stand by either!

Tyrian tried to angle towards Ruby but had to dodge backward from a bullet. Glaring to the attacker, his eyes widened when he saw all of team JNPR pointing their guns at him. Pyrrha enhancing hers with the maiden power.

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें