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Vader was annoyed, this mech Cordovin was piloting was incredibly strong and powerful.

Vader thought as he dodged another blast, he didn't like running from his opponents, but it was necessary to draw her away. Vader's attention was drawn to the rest of the kids attacking the mech as well.

Cordovin: You again?! Didn't you kids learn your lessons?!

She swung an arm, it almost collided with them before being stopped by Vader. Weiss lept onto the arm and used glyphs to move up the side.

Cordovin broke free from Vader and swung the other arm, Ren wrapped his grapples under it, swinging.

Ren opened fire on the mech, the bullets pinging off the armor. Vader was hesitant to attack, afraid he would hit the kids.

His hesitance was removed though when Cordovin caught Ren with her other arm. She began to squeeze, Nora charged, opening fire with her grenade launcher.

Nora: Give me back my man!

Cordovin swung her other arm, Jaune tried leaping forward to take the blow, but only ended destroying his aura and being launched into Nora.

Vader motioned with his hand, Ren was yanked out of the Mech's grasp. Cordovin tried swinging her arm at Vader, only for him to through his lightsaber, slicing the arm in two.

Cordovin: Gah! You'll pay for that -!

She was cut off as Vader released a massive force pull, launching her into the forest behind them.

Vader turned, hearing the bullhead. Maul opened the side door and motioned for them to join.

Maul: Come on!

Vader: Jump.

The kids looked at Vader quizzically, he only sighed and motioned with both of his arms. The kids floated into the air, towards the bullhead.

Maul extended both of his arms as well, helping guide them into the bullhead.

He breathed a sigh of relief, letting go, he saw Oscar stumble backward before falling.

Maul gasped and dived forward, grabbing Oscar's leg at the last moment before he fell out the side.

Maul grunted, before looking up to see Cordovin's mech aiming its rifle at the stationary bullhead.

Maul: Fly!

Din nodded and powered it on, barely missing Cordovin's canon blast. Maul struggled to lift Oscar up, before being assisted by JNR.

Vader saw the cannon blast, he turned angrily. Igniting his saber as Cordovin's mech charged through the tree line, he dodged backward easily moving out of the way.

Cordovin: Get back here! - Wait, you!

She turned and aimed the cannon arm at Vader, her other one having been cut off.

Vader motioned with his arm, the cannon was torn off and flew towards Vader. Vader dashed forward, Cordovin backing up hesitantly.

Cordovin: Wait! M-Maybe we could be civil about this?!

She didn't get an answer as Vader pushed the mech over with the force. She struggled to stand the mech, only for it to be restrained by the force.

Vader stood on the viewport of the mech, his lightsaber close to the glass.

Vader: You forfeited the chance of negotiation when you attacked children...

Vader plunged his saber into the mech, he stood when the bullhead neared. Seeing they went to pick up Maria, as she was standing near the open door.

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