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A news report is playing, showing a picture of Ironwood with the symbol of Atlas behind him. The news network Atlas Eye has the subtitle "DEVELOPING STORY: GENERAL IRONWOOD HALTS MANTLE EVACUATIONS" displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Reporter: With still no word from General Ironwood, Mantle citizens are frightened and perplexed by the sudden withdrawal of military personnel, especially given the massive Grimm horde outside the kingdom. (images of various flying Grimm as well as the Monstra are shown on screen) I've... never seen anything quite like this.

In the background, civilians can be seen evacuating in the streets. Joanna is seen looking over it before turning around to notice the news team.

Reporter: It truly feels like the end of days, but the Atlas Eye is committed to updating the public, until our dying--

Suddenly, Joanna grabs the microphone from the reporter.

Reporter: Wha--? Hey, wait!

Joanna stabs her weapon in the ground and glares at the reporter, startling him. She then looks to the camera and starts speaking.

Joanna: Citizens of Mantle, General Ironwood has abandoned you, but we have not! If you can hear this, gather any food and supplies you need to stay warm, then head to the Mantle crater.

While she speaks, a montage of Mantle citizens are shown leaving their homes and making their way down the streets to safety. A pair of Atlesian Knight-130s are shown investigating Pietro Polendina's pharmacy, but they are gunned down by Yang, accompanied by Jaune, Ren, Maul, and Oscar.

Joanna: The Grimm are starting to make their way back into the city, but we can hold the line if we all come together. If we don't, well... you've all seen what's waiting for us out in the storm. It's time to show your teeth, Mantle.

She walks away from the camera and shoves the microphone back into the reporter's hands.

At Pietro's pharmacy, Yang opens a door to a darkened room. Jaune finds the light switch to turn it on. Yang gasps and smiles in glee upon seeing what is in the room, with Ren and Oscar peeking over too.

Yang: Alright, the others are definitely missing out.

Out in the streets, Yang, Maul, Jaune, and Ren pilot a quadruplet of hoverbikes, with Oscar riding backseat with Maul.

They land safely back on the ground. Jaune and Ren exchange a look, with Jaune bumping over a piece of debris. As the four continue their ride through the Mantle streets, they are unwarily being watched by a Grimm-like figure perched on a bridge overhead.

Later on, Ren is seen shooting a security camera with StormFlower, disabling it. Oscar helps evacuate people, with Maul knocking on the doors of people's homes. They gather a large group of civilians. Jaune is seen doing a fist bump handshake with a child, before looking to his parent.

Jaune: Only take what you need.

Yang is seen standing before the large group of civilians.

Mother: The crater? Are you sure it's safe out there?

Yang: Absolutely ma'am.

Suddenly, she hears people screaming behind her. They are seen running away from a pair of Sabyrs. They charge forward. Jaune runs up and takes out a unique device that charges up.

Jaune: Heads up!

Jaune throws the device a distance away, with it activating a large hard light shield upon impact that prevents the Sabyrs from going any further. As they try to claw at it, Ren and Maul come in from above and stab them with their blades, causing them to dissipate. The shield deactivates and Ren kicks the device back to Jaune's shield, which uses gravity dust to make the device stick to it.

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