The dance

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Vader, Glynda, and Ozpin stood in the infirmary looking at team RWBY from behind a sheet of glass. Vader had calmed down and returned to his normal voice, his helmet stored in his pouch.

Glynda: I still can't believe you singlehandedly rescued this team and simultaneously destroyed a white fang base.

Vader: I tapped into my rage, and that was enough.

Ozpin: They will need several months of recovery, that was an incredibly stressful ordeal they went through.

Vader: They won't need to.

Remembering back to the clone wars, there was a force power that Jedi used to put the minds of clones at ease after a devastating battle. Vader wondered if it would work on Team RWBY.

Vader entered the room, seeing each of the girls laying down on a stretcher. He started with Yang, placing his palm on her forehead, he saw her emotions, she felt scared when tied up, and feared what they would do to her. But Vader also felt relief when he showed up. Vader decided to focus on that feeling, stomping out all the other negative emotions.

(A/N This isn't an actual force power, this is something I made up)

Once Vader was done, he removed his palm from Yang and moved to Weiss, placing his palm on her forehead Vader saw in her mind, same as Yang, fear of what they would do to her. But next to those feelings was hope, and a form of love when he focused on Ruby. Vader was surprised at this but decided not to question it.

Vader finished and moved to Ruby, placing his palm on her forehead. She also felt feelings for Weiss, that's good, thought Vader. Then moved to Blake, she was the easiest since Adam didn't allow the soldiers to touch her, but there was still pain when she watched her teammates get beaten and abused. Vader suppressed those thoughts and brought up Sun calming her down.

With that Vader removed his palm and left the room, being stopped by Glynda and Ozpin.

Ozpin: What did you do exactly?

Vader: I used a combination of Telepathy and mental persuasion to suppress their pain, it is still there but not as large as it once was. They should make a full recovery by tomorrow.

Glynda: You still continue to amaze me, Vader.

Vader only smirked at this and walked down the hallway.

A few days later Vader was in the library, preparing his next lesson when he heard a sigh. Turning he saw Blake with bags under her eyes.

Vader: Blake? Are you alright?

She turned to see Vader standing over her.

Blake: Yes Professor, I'm fine

She said rubbing her eyes, Vader set down the books he had gathered on the table and sat across from her.

Vader: You're obviously not. Tell me, what's wrong.

Blake: Well... I can't stop thinking about what they did to my team, somehow they were able to forget and move on like they are working on the dance right now! But I can't forget. Sun tried asking me out to the dance, I turned him down because we can't be thinking about things like the dance right now! They could attack again!

Vader listened patiently, his Anakin side showing compassion and sympathy.

Vader: Blake... the reason why your team doesn't want to think about being captured is because of me. (She looks at him with a confused look) I suppressed those memories so they would be able to move on faster, If I didn't the outcome would be much worse.

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