Ahsoka Vs. Taurus

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Vader strode forward, ignoring the protests of the Atlesian guards.

With a swipe of his hand, the barrier dislodged itself and fell into the ocean. Vader ignited his lightsaber, the forces of Atlas raising their weapons.

Cordovin: You must be a fool, charging head-on against the forces of Atlas!

Vader didn't respond, his mechanical breathing activating.

Vader: I have destroyed planets, Woman... You serve no threat to me.

Vader pointed his lightsaber at the overconfident leader.

Vader: Allow us to take a bullhead, and I will not destroy your petty excuse of a military base.

Cordovin: Wha-?! You dare!... Light him up!

Cordovin ran off, obviously running for a weapon herself. The Atlesian knights and soldiers all took aim at Vader, who stood motionless.

Opening fire, Vader smiled, they were using Atlas guns. Meaning they fired laser bolts and not bullets, easily deflectable.

Raising his blade, he expertly deflected each laser bolt, a portion of them missing altogether. Not aiming for the human soldiers, he deflected each bolt at the Atlesian knights, dropping them one by one.

Vader's attention was drawn to a massive thumping sound. Turning his head, he saw a massive Paladin move towards him.

The Paladin raised its canon at Vader, sensing danger, he moved out of the way. The Canon fired, incinerating the place where Vader had last stood.

Maul, Din, and everybody else crouched out of view from the base, they watched as Vader lept to the shoreline, drawing Cordovin away.

Maul nodded to the others, they ran to help Vader while he and Din sprinted for the base. Din activated his jetpack and grabbed Maul's arm, they landed next to the bullhead, drawing the attention of the two guards of Cordovin.

Both: Hey! What are - ?

Maul waved his hand, making them stop.

Maul: We have clearance to be here.

Both: You have clearance to be here.

Maul: You will go inside and report nothing is amiss.

Both: We will go inside and report nothing!

They both turned, strutting back towards the main building.

Din: That's a neat trick.

Maul: Unfortunately, it only works on the weak-minded.

Maul extended his hand towards the bullhead, unlocking the door. While Din stood guard, aiming his pulse rifle.

They heard a click, and the door slid open. Maul walked in, lightsaber in as Din backed up slowly behind him.

-At the turret-

Blake popped a panel off, trying to find a kill switch.

Ahsoka: Blake... is something wrong?

Blake: No... why would you say that?

Ahsoka only looked at Blake, she looked away in shame. She can sense my emotions, Blake thought.

Blake: ... I keep thinking about Adam.

Ahsoka: Who is Adam?

Blake: He...He was my partner and mentor when I was with the White Fang.

Blake quieted down, trying to focus on the panel. She yelled in rage.

Blake: This thing is impossible!

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