Battle of The Gods part 2

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The two energy sources created a large explosion, throwing back both Salem and Vader.

The witch stabilized herself, wind swirling around her feet.

The force-wielder extended his arm to the ground, using the force to catch himself and float to the ground. He held his saber in a stance, as magic swirled around the witch, lifting her back into the air.

Salem: I will admit... you have lasted longer than most.

Vader: Your magic is nothing compared to the force.

Salem smirked, extending her palm a purple ball summoning.

Salem: Would you care to test that theory?

Her smile disappeared when a boulder collided with her body, disabling her spell and crushing her when she landed.

Vader smirked, his hand slightly extended.

Vader: Gladly.

The boulder exploded, revealing a regenerated, and very pissed of Salem. She stared where she thought Vader was standing, only to see nothing.

She growled, knowing that he was cloaked. Expanding a red glyph underneath her body, Grimm hands extruded. The hands felt around for anything hidden, one locating Vader's leg.

Salem whirled around and caught Vader off guard. Unleashing a blast of magic, Vader raised his saber to deflect. Only for it to change direction and hit his wrist.

The mechanical arm malfunctioned, dropping the lightsaber, which was caught by a Grimm hand and dragged underground.

Salem: Now... What will you do without your weapon?

Vader: Fool...

The ground lifted up around him, lifting him into the air. The ground rumbled around Salem.

Vader: The force is my weapon.

Boulders swirled around Salem, making her dodge and destroy quickly. As she was struck on the back, making her fall forward.

Salem: Enough!

Catching the boulders mid-air with a telepathy spell, she sent them back at Vader. Vader breathed deeply, pulled back his hand, and unleashed a devastating attack forward.

The boulders and surrounding area were disintegrated, as a wave of the force moved through. Quickly dealing with Salem's returned boulders, destroying half of her body, and uncovering his lightsaber.

Salem: *huff* *huff* you dare-?!

Salem was cut off as she was force-pushed away, the remaining parts of her body rag dolling.

Vader made his way to his uncovered lightsaber, but precognition hit. Salem struck him while he was kneeling down to grab his lightsaber. Standing up quickly, and raising his hand. He saw Salem stand at the edge and send a flurry of rainbow energy at him.

A vortex appeared on his palm, absorbing the attack. Salem's eyes widened, before being blown back by the returned attack.

Salem: What is this power?!

She stood once again, her anger growing by the minute. She focused on a spell that would, hopefully, kill Vader. Or at least wound him in some way.

She turned, her eyes widening when she saw Vader holding his helmet in one hand, aiming it to throw at her. He did so, it colliding and shifting so it fit on her head.

Vader: Helmet, activate protocol: Life support.

Vader saw through the damaged eye-port, as Salem's eyes widened. The helmet began to stabbing needles into Salem, originally used to keep Vader alive, could easily kill someone if used incorrectly.

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