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Sounds of things going up pneumatic tubes are heard clanging, until it stops. Ruby is heard breathing heavily, before gasping for breath. She is helped out of the tube by May and Penny. Weiss Schnee can be seen angrily pulling Nora Valkyrie by her ear.

Nora: Ow, ow, ow! C'mon that was a once in a lifetime experience!

Weiss lets Nora go. Nora's right ear turned red.

Nora: Ow.

Blake Belladonna can be heard stepping out of another tube, her hair messy from the unorthadox method of travel. She is helped out by Ahsoka.

Blake: Good. Because I never wanna do that again.

Blake fixes her unkempt hair. The group proceeds forward.

May: Alright robo-girl, you're up. Which way?

Penny uses her eyes to view the area ahead in a wireframe view.

Penny: (points in various directions as she says them) We'll cross the bridge, then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left.

Everyone looks stunned at Penny's direction.

Penny: And my name... is Penny.

Ruby: (crossing her arms and smiling slyly at May) Heh.

May: Tsk...

Soldier: Look, I'm sure it was nothing-

Soldier 2: I swear I heard something-!

Both Soldiers stop when they see the group, they raise their guns to attack, while everyone else raises theirs to defend. But Ahsoka steps forward, hand extended.

Soldier 1: Freez-

Ahsoka: We are supposed to be here.

Both: (lowers their guns) You are supposed to be here...

Everyone is shocked, looking from Ahsoka to the soldiers. Ahsoka waves her hand again.

Ahsoka: Nothing is wrong...

Both: (Relax their postures) Nothing is wrong...

Ahsoka: You are going to continue your patrol...

Both: We are going to continue out patrol...

The two soldiers walk back out the door they came through, leaving the group with stunned expressions.

Nora: Since when could you do THAT?!

Ahsoka grows a concerned look on her face, pressing a finger to her lips.

Ahsoka: It only worked on those two... We should move if we don't want to be caught.

May nods and activates her Semblance, hiding everyone from view.

They are later seen in an elevator. They hear the elevator door open, and back away cautiously when they see a pair of Atlas Soldiers enter. The soldiers are oblivious to the group's presence due to May's Semblance.

Soldier 1: I don't think even the squad captain knows what's going on up there. They can't get close to that storm without getting shocked right out of the air.

Soldier 2: Which one?

Soldier 1: The Grimm one!

Soldier 2: It's creepy, all those Grimm just... waiting. Worse than if they'd attacked--

Soldier 1: Hey, don't say that! You'll jinx us.

Penny motions for the group to follow her, and they discreetly squeeze past the soldiers, headed for the elevator door.

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat