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Vader was inside, helping Ruby and Ren cook. Whilst Jaune, Nora, and Din set the table.

They were preparing for the Huntsmen that Qrow, Ahsoka, and Maul were bringing with them. Vader was cutting carrots and other vegetables, Vader was about to grab another carrot when Nora snatched it out of his hand.

Vader: Nora...

Nora: Sorry! I can't help it!

Vader gave Nora one last disappointed look before finishing up.

Ren: Alright, the first batch is just about done.

Ruby: Awesome! Now we just need them and we'll be all set!

Nora attempted to grab another carrot, tossing it up, Vader caught it with the force and brought it to his cutting board with the rest. Nora groaned and stuck her tongue out at him.

Nora: Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food.

Ruby: Uh, I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get.

Vader: Why do I smell something burning?

Vader quickly rushed over to Ruby's work area, he looked back only to ctch Nora tossing a few carrot slices into her mouth again.

Vader: Ruby, here let me take -

Qrow: We're back!

Ahsoka and Maul both stared at the two people that exited the portal and reached for their lightsabers.

Qrow: Wait! Don't! It's ok...

Ahsoka relaxed her arms while Maul still held his on his lightsaber, waiting to learn who these people were.

Maul: Qrow... Who are these people?

Yang: I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's sister and this is Weiss Schnee. We're part of Ruby's team.

Maul finally relaxed his arm and crossed both of his arms.

Weiss: But who are you two supposed to be?

Maul: I am Maul, a friend of Vader's.

Ahsoka: My name is Ahsoka Tano, it's a pleasure to meet the both of you.

Ahsoka extended her hand, flipping off her hood, Weiss stared at her for a second before shaking her hand.

Yang: Wait! I remember that name! Vader said you're his sister!

Ahsoka: That is correct... Now if you'll come inside I think they've prepared dinner for us.

Qrow walked in first, Yang and Weiss followed and lastly, Ahsoka and Maul entered.

Ruby: Be right there!

Vader/Ren: You're going to overcook that.

Ruby: No I'm not, shut up!

Qrow: Hey, uh, Ruby?

Ruby: I'm coming!

Smoke poofed from the pan, Ruby looked in surprise before ultimately letting Ren take the wheel.

Ruby grabbed the tray next to her and walked into the living room with Vader.

Ruby: So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it.

Ruby gasped once she looked up, she dropped the tray and all the utensils fell, Vader extended his hand freezing them in place with the force. Vader looked and smiled when he saw two familiar faces that were now standing in the room with them.

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