KNB | (Love at First Sight?) Mitobe Rinnosuke X Reader

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In other hand y/n tried her best to find the male she experience the dreaming encounter, in weeks of search and looking she failed to find him, the male who looks so calm and gentle in her mind was really hard to find but she never lose hope for she clearly recall that he was wearing uniform of Seirin. And with that she trusted that she will find him.

She was on her way to the teachers office when she bump into a certain someone, " Sorry I didn't see you there" a female who has short brown hair apologized to you. The papers she was carrying scattered on the floor, feeling bad about the inconvenience you took the effort to help her retrieve the papers. " ahhh thank you" she spoke again, you took one particular papers where it is written " looking for manager".

You turned to her as you ask her " are you looking for a manager?" you said, here eyed turned to you as she smiled " ahh yes, it's for the basketball team, I am Riko the coach and we are currently looking for manager" she beamed at you, you nodded as you eyed the flyer once again, you turned to her as you spoke " can I apply?" you said, as she beamed even brighter.

" really? Are you sure?" she smiled, you didn't apply to any club yet so you are free to join any club, and since you are not that much of a sport person you don't want to get tired In joining sports club. But being manager is not going to be as tiring as being an actual athlete so you decided to apply for the position. " yes, I don't have any club so why not" you answer with such sweet voice, she nodded a she smiled at you " thank you so much, umm, yes here" she gave you the map of the gym where the basketball team was.

" so you can come by later and I will introduce you to the team" she smiled at you, " ohh also here fill this up and give it back to me around lunch time, I am in 3rd floor class A" she smiled, you bowed to her as you nodded, " thank you senpa and will sure do" you spoke, she nodded for the last time before waving you good bye. You just watch her walk away as you stared at the paper flyers in your hand " why did I even do that?" you sigh as you started to walk back to your room.

Time Skip | After Class hours

" hmmm am I in the right place?" you eyed the big building in front of you as you tried to look around for people. " hello?" you call out but it seems that there is still no one inside. You were about to walk away when you heard someone " hello do you need something?" you turned around to see a blue haired man standing in the entrance, your head tilt on the side as you eyed him.

" ahh, yes is Riko senpai here?" Kuroko only bow at you as he spoke " umm she was still not here but you can wait inside if you would like, she would be here likely after few more minutes" with that you nodded as you followed here inside where he head you on one of the benches.

You sat there in silence, not long the people started coming in and at one moment your eyes flutter when you saw the male you're looking for. The heart beat in your chest was loud as your eyes landed on him, he was late to notice your eyes but when he saw you his eyes widen as he stood still.

Riko arrived then, "everyone line up" she spoke as the males lined up in front of you " welcome y/n" she hold your hand as she led you In front of the group of males, " today I would like to introduced you to our new manager, this y/n" you bow to them as they greet you and welcomed you. " we can start the introduction from this side" she pointed the starting line of the fresh man.

You follow her as they slowly and one by one shake your hand, not long you were not standing in front of the male you were looking for. A beam in your lips never left as you look forward knowing his name, you stood in front of the tall male waiting in anticipation knowing his name.

Koganei, was about to speak for the male when Mitobe suddenly spoke " Mitobe Rinnosuke" he said, all eyes widen as they heard him speak his own words. " nice to meet you, Mitobe" your hands landed on his own as he smiled a bit, you enjoy the soft and gentle touch of his hand on yours.

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