Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1

Start from the beginning

'I'm hiking. The sun is nice today.'

Leo scoffed and glared back.

'You ass!! Untie me the rope!!' Kris kicked that annoying jerk angrily.

'Why I have to? You're wasting my time finding my wife!! Sh*t!!' Leo kicked that broad back until Kris kissed the floor.

'Ashh!! You rude jerk!! Come back and free me!!' Kris yelled at that kickable jerk but Leo just waved him goodbye. He wriggled like a larva to the door and yelled out loud as there was a guy leaving the bathroom.

'Hey, you!!'

Ken turned around with that hoarse voice.

'Free the rope!!'

He frowned with that impolite request. Ken watched Leo back and forth the guy lying there.

'Quick!! The ceremony is starting!!'

Kris rushed and waved his wrists.

'Who're you?'

Ken questioned and decided to stay here.



'Kris Wu!!'

'Kris Wu? The Wu group?'

'Yeahhh!! Hurry up!! That bastard is in risk!!'

Kris threatened.

'Then you are that Joon's best friend!! Ayy, you're from the same company! I won't help!!'

Shaking his head, Ken got up.

'Damn you!! I will never ever let my sister marrying a guy who wishes to crown our business and lockes me in this damn room almost a week!!'

Kris yelled impatiently. Finally, Ken untied the rope for him.

'So you are Elli noona's step-brother?'

'Yep, and who're you?'

'I'm Leo hyung and noona's high school friend. Where should we go now?' Ken questioned when he didn't see Leo around.

'Damn, that jerk!! What's he doing!! Coming here by himself! He wanna die young!?'

Hissing, Kris tried to guess that buffalo's direction.

'Actually, we've got six people here! And Leo hyung holds a gun!'

Ken joined the conversation unthinkably.

'What!!?? A gun!! Ashhhh!! Quick, this way!! You kickable buffalo!!'

Kris ran to the left hand but got grabbed.

'Hey, Kris!! This way!! The maknae said Leo hyung is going upstairs!'

'What!!?' Kris frowned since he didn't get it.

'Emm.. Actually, we six people divided into three teams. The first team, the guardian, is in the ballroom; the second, guide, in the camera room; and the third team—me and Leo hyung, the attacker, is in search of Elli noona.'

Ken explained then talked to Hyuk through their devices.

'Sound cool, huh'

'Ne, we're best friends since high school! Though we don't hang out much, we've never said no to the other's emergency request.' Ken continued while his head was full of a video he got slapped on the street in Leo's phone and Seo Hyun topic as well.

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