Chapter 72- Who is his daddy? (VIXX's special)

Start from the beginning

-neck slice-

-neck slice-




 The table burst out noise and laugh, still the tall figure at the corner didn't lift up his face. Leo was trying to keep calm with the news Kris told him last night. He'd got no time.

The marriage was on this Sunday and there was only three days more. That big hand rubbed his left chest which suddenly ached.

Kris asked what happened with Ellena coz she didn't talk and looked dark as well. She just left the hospital yesterday and that was all Leo knew coz the conversation was cut off. When he called again, there was no answer. Kris seemed want to tell him something but got no chance.

Leo frowned, feeling sorry for his love. He quick wiped off the tear, thinking off their baby and Ellena's condition. He had to be fast.. He had to rush..

Before he saw no more of her beautiful face..

Got no more chance to embrace his baby..

Got no more lovely wife..

Must have one could replace her.. No one could replace that babo girl of him..

Coz no one would be this stupid as her.. No one would sacrifice themselves this much..

He wanted to pull her in his chest and cuddled tightly..enough for her wouldn't leave him just to protect his life and position.

Damn, Elli!! Just a normal position!! How came she leave him like that? With his capacity, he could apply for other company!!

In fact, he would just stop being an employee and took over his dad's business. His family's business was also one of the well-known empires in South Korea. Just because, he didn't like jumping up the high position in a day.

He wanted to gather the information, lessons and experiences first, so those board directors would not distrust his ability. But that bastard just pissed him off!!

You jerk!! How dare you blackmail my wife and steal her from me!!?



The table which earlier was filled with noise and punch suddenly went quiet. The guys cuddled each other in terror and stared through the mirror to a person across the shop with their eyes jumped out. They gasped and watched every move that person made.

'He-heyy-yyy, did I hear wrong? The direction isn't our way, right?'

Hong Bin held N wrist tight and stared at that figure who was now tapping their mirror with the mouth kept yelling that scary word.

'I hope so but..' Hyuk turned around and there was no customer in this section besides them. He gulped difficultly and looked at those big black eyes who was sticking its face with the mirror and smiled at them so bright.

'He's got black eyes!!' Hyuk then shouted out the hint.

'You ass!! We're all got black eyes. So we are all his daddy?' N quick knocked Hyuk's forehead and be back to the kid ahead. His heart skipped a beat when the kid matched eyes with him and said this word "Papa!!"

Oh gosh!! He wanna get faint!! How came an adorable kid popped out of nowhere with his fingers pointed at their seat and shouted "Papa!!" all along the way?

Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::Where stories live. Discover now