AJ: Y/N! Jesus man...all of this is crazy. How am I back? What happened to the facility? How you holding Thor's hammer? Is that a new suit? Wow...that looks sick—

You immediately hug the young man. You are so glad to see him again.

AJ: What are you doing...? Oh.

He hugs you tighter.

AJ: This is nice.

Daryl runs with the gauntlet, evading attacks from the Black Order and trying to get far away from them.

Sam flies in and stabs one of the Chitauri gorillas with his wings before it can attack Daryl. A Chitauri soldier leaps toward Falcon, but the Shocker blasts it away with his gauntlet.

Daryl: Cap? What do you want me to do with this damn thing?

Steve continues to fight off the aliens as he responds via his comms.

Steve: Get those stones as far away as possible!

Smart Hulk pummels one of the Chitauri aliens and throws it aside.

Bruce: No! We need to get 'em back where they came from.

You respond from another part of the battlefield.

You: No way to get 'em back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.

Omid: Hold on!

Omid shrinks himself back down to his normal size.

Omid: That wasn't our only time machine.

He pushes the button on his keys, and you all hear a loud horn playing the tune of La Cucharacha.

Steve runs up onto a ledge and looks over the at field.

Steve: Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?

Louis flies through the sky and spots the van in the middle of everybody fighting.

Louis: Yeah! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!

You: Omid, how long you need to get that thing working?

Omid peeks through a gap between debris. Christa appears beside him.

Omid: Uh, maybe ten minutes.

Steve: Get it started. We'll get the stones to you.

Christa: We're on it, Cap.

Omid looks at her and smiles. Christa smirks back before shrinking back into Wasp. Omid does the same and is carried away by Christa.

Doctor Strange uses his magic to suck several aliens into the earth. Tony lands behind him and retracts his helmet to speak to the sorcerer.

Tony: Hey, you said 1 out of 14 million, we win, yeah?

Tony glances around and raises his arms.

Tony: Tell me this is it.

Strange looks at Tony, then turns to his right and sees you fighting Chitauri with AJ and Judith.

Doctor Strange: If I tell you what happens...it probably won't happen.

Tony doesn't like the answer. But for what was happening now, it was better than nothing.

Tony: You better be right.

Tony reactivates his mask and flies off.

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