It happened something similar like this with Naina and Aditya. After everything, they had decided to welcome the new beginnings of their life. It has been now almost two years, since Naina saw Arthi going unconscious. She was in coma. It wasn't easy for Naina to get back on track when everytime she has been suffering the loss of people she loved and cared about.

But when Naina kept on recollecting Arthi's last words before her operation, Naina realised that what she has got was something not everyone would get and she can't take everything for granted.

All she said to Aditya was, ' screw the past! I want to live my each and every moment with you, Aditya. I want to loose myself in you in such a way that, wherever I see or go it would always lead to you at the end. I have already lost everyone, Aditya. Now I can't loose you too. I can't loose my marriage. I can't loose my family, my daughter. I want to live the life like I never lived, Aditya. And each and everything I want to do is with you'

Naina had decided to forget everything that was related to her past and try to live the life which she has ahead of her. Even after Naina had accepted him to be her life, Aditya didn't take any step forward in their relationship. He felt like it would be taking advantage of her when she was still trying to get back to her track.

Aditya knew that Naina was putting up a strong face in front of him and everyone, but internally she was breaking and crying everyday. All he did was be with her and for her whenever she needed him.

Now, after so many months, Naina had slowly taking a step forward in forgetting her past even though they had never spoken about it. But she was surely getting over the loss of her friend.

"This is not fair, husband. It's our anniversary and you are not here. You will have to be punished for punishing me by leaving me alone"

Naina looked at his photo in her mobile and scowled at him. He hadn't called her, not even once to wish her. And when she called him, he cut off the call saying that he was busy in meeting.

Naina hoped that he would call her once his meeting was over. The whole day she waited for his call, but he didn't. She tried to call him again and again, but his call was always either busy or out of network coverage area.

She then later left to pick Nia from the school and returned home. Even then, she hadn't received any calls from him. Sulking, she left to her room.

While dinner, Archana noticed how sad Naina was.

"Naina? My child, maybe he's really busy. Otherwise, you know that he never forgets your anniversary"

"Yes, mom"

Naina said sadly as she continued to eat her dinner.

After finishing the dinner, when Archana gave her a glass of milk she refused to drink. Saying,

"I will not drink, mom. Your son doesn't care about me. If he did, he would have called me at least once. Tell him, if he receives your call, that I will not let him go easily. Let him return home first, I will not even talk with him"

"Naina..... "

Not listening to Archana, she made her way back to her room which was completely dark and switched on the lights. Naina looked around the room which was empty and she for a minute she could see how Aditya used to gaze her, how he used to tease her, how he used to laugh at her silliness and how he kissed her senselessly.

She was missing him too much that she wanted him to be right here, right now. But she knew that it was not possible. He was not in the city. He had gone to Mumbai for his meeting.

But then she questioned, how can he not be there with her on their anniversary? What happened about the promises to making it impossible to forget? Naina felt her eyes itching to cry, as she changed into one of his long t-shirt.

It was what she did in his absence to feel his presence. She breathed in the air, trying desperately to feel the warmth which she felt in his arms. But this t-shirt was nowhere near to Aditya's arms where she could find her solace.

Sighing, Naina switched off the light and laid on the bed which was cold and lonely. She turned and tossed for what seemed like an hour and tried to sleep. But sleep was far from her eyes, as she laid with her eyes wide open.

"I miss you Aditya"

Naina mumbled as she felt her eyes drooping in tiredness and a lone tear escaped from side of her eye. Before she could even close her eyes completely and fall into slumber, she dreamt of a warm hand caressing softly on her face and wiping her tears and a soft peck on her forehead and then she was greeted with the darkness as the sleep consumed her.


Hello guys!
This was the first chapter and I know it is very small. I intended to write a lengthy chapter but I just couldn't help myself from updating this asap!
I think I might write short chapters so that I can try updating sooner.

I hope you liked this chapter......
Please do comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank you guys!

Dated - 29 September, 2020

Edited - 18 June 2021

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