Jealous Rosé

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Rosé is been pouting since they head home from the Yg building, she keep pouting because when at exactly 12 in the morning she opened her instagram and Jennie's story show up, she look at it the pictures but she felt jealous because it's Jennie's other half as Jennies caption said there. She don't know why she's jealous even though they are dating she feels like its different for her when it comes to Jennie's best friend.

Jennie notice the silent treatment from her girlfriend so she was about to talk to her when their driver said they already at their dorm. Jennie look at Rosé who just got out in the car. She felt sad because Rosé always open the door for her but at this time she feels something's wrong.

So she followed her until she's already inside Rosé room, she saw her hubby playing her favorite music using her guitar, Jennie smile and sit beside her hubby and ask her.

" Hubby, is there something wrong, why are avoiding me? " Jennie ask holding the blondes hand in the guitar.

" Nothing, there's nothing wrong " Rosé said as she stand up and putting back her guitar.

Jennie sigh and stand also, she immediately back hug the tall one.

Rosé take a breath and about to talk when she feels something wet at her back. She can hear Jennies sobs so she turned around and carry Jennie, sitting at the edge of the bed while Jennie is on her lap.

" Please can you tell me, I don't want you to be like this to me " Jennie said in a cute voice while pouting and wiping her own tears.

" You've been ignoring me since we left the building, did I do something hubby? " Jennie ask crying on her shoulder.

" Stop crying you didn't do anything it's just that " Rosé said caressing jennies hair.

" I'm just jealous thats all, I know I don't have to be like that but-" Jennie cut her.

" Is it because of the stories in my instagram? " Jennie said looking at her.

" Yeah, I know shes your best friend " Rosé whispered.

Jennie lift the blondes face and give her a peck.

" Hubby I'm already your girlfriend and yes she's my best friend but you are my real other half, my forever and we might not know my soon to be hubby right" Jennie cheekily said wrapping her arms around her neck.

" It's just that it's different, all the fans might be shipping you with her and including that all I can saw whenever I scroll to my feed it's always you and Lisa, i-i never saw a video about us that's why I really felt jealous " Rosé said chuckling while cupping Jennies cheek.

" Hubby those are just video's okay and us we are real so don't be jealous anymore I can't stand you avoiding me, " Jennie said showing her gummy smile.

" I'm sorry if I avoid just because of jealousy " Rosé said and give a plain smile.

" Promise me you won't avoid me anymore? "

" Promise " Rosé said as she kiss her.

Rosé kiss Jennie deeply and start to lay the brunette down in her bed. They stop kissing and just admire each others faces.

" I love you " Jennie said.

" I love you too my wifey " Rosé said and continue what she's doing.

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