Whispered Promises

Start from the beginning

"And where might this platform be?" Croissant asked cordially.

Bison tilted his head. "I think it's right over there."

"Yep. You're correct." Sora nodded.

Texas glanced over in the appointed direction. The incline plane was abnormal for the typically flat rooftop in a city skyline. Yet there it was. The thing seemed to be constructed of metal and blueish bolts that more often then not would rust with enough rain. Only the certified sealant of a red sticker brand seared into the top denoted that these would last for years to come, holding the metal with its crisscrossing patterns together as people scrambled up the steps and used the provided railings for support. Though the supports went unused as Texas made her way up the steps with Lappland's hand in hers.

A pair of eyes followed their movements . . . scratch that, more than one. It was hard for her to believe she hadn't recognized Sora's attraction to her before having it blatantly explained. But it had happened, and now it was impossible to miss those secretive stares when no one was supposedly paying attention, the way Sora clammed up around her when she got too close. The sadness she had felt in handing out the rejection to Sora. All those years she believed the flustered behavior to be from a place of admiration, which was not exactly wrong, but it did not encapsulate those feelings fully. But in the tail end of the maelstrom of feelings, she was relieved to see Sora beginning to move on. The temporary lack of Sora around her was disheartening, but still better than allowing her friend to be led on for another moment. So allowing Sora to stare was okay with her. Provided Lappland doesn't find out. She knew well and good the lengths her girlfriend would and could go to if need be to protect what was hers.

But there also Mostima to worry about. The bluenette watched her and Lappland both like an intrusive hawk dive bombing the ocean for prey. Unlike the prey however there was no possibility for her to escape Mostima tonight. Hoping there was no trouble seemed all that could be done. For now.


"Just look at them go." Exusiai stared up at the glowing golden lantern floating above them. It was continuing to rise into the sky to disappear from their sight entirely. She strained to keep on seeing the brilliant gleam, watching the silver one that Mostima had let up vanish too. In the small alcove off to the right, the two of them had decent privacy from the rest of the friends. Or maybe her friends was a better description. Texas had watched Mostima leading her off with relative disdain before Lappland snagged her attention back.

"Hmm, they are fleeting and beautiful. Just like life." Mostima commented quietly.

Exusiai turned to look at the bluenette. The somber quality of the other woman's stare was open, filled with a vulnerability rarely seen, let alone in public. The dipping scrunch of her brows matched the downturn of her lips. A slight tumble in the hands gripping the railing reminded her of the chills she retained hours after leaving the murderous frost bunny behind in the ruins. She wondered how Texas would feel about Mostima if she was able to see this honesty now. Maybe things would be different then.

"That's pretty cynical."

"But you can't deny it's true." Mostima pointed out.

"I suppose not. But why be cynical on a night as precious as this?" Her question was small as a floating feather in the wind as her shoulders tucked closer to her neck. Propping herself on the railing, her gaze found the glittering stars peeking through the gaps of silvery clouds.

"Precious. I'm not sure why you'd think so. Seems same as usual."

Exusiai sighed. "You haven't noticed then, have you?"

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