Who is Your Enemy?

Start from the beginning

It didn't take them long to get to the intersection. Well, that wasn't totally true. The Reunion Members they cut through with their blades went down like waves of the sea being brushed apart. A sea of reddish black blended into the slush on the streets, luminescent oil was in small puddles that made her boots reek and squelch with every step. The element of surprise was long gone but really she didn't expect to keep it in the first place.

"Stop them!" A caster cried in outrage.

Lappland shared a glance with her, wiping the grit off her jaw. She was sure grime coated her face as well but didn't bother doing any maintenance. There wasn't a point and with Infected blood lying around it simply was unsafe. Casters formed a ring around them, deadly magic sizzling at their fingertips. While their small statures were hardly threatening the danger those arts presented made up for it. She puzzled over a solution, her blades humming with her derision. At least the civilians are gone. And then a familiar voice was speaking over the noise, the sound of a gun being reloaded, the trigger being fingered in preparation.

"Looks like you could use a hand."


Of all the things Mostima said in greeting, this was by far the cockiest she heard.

It had taken a few minutes to get to Texas and Lappland, the physical fighters proving to be far more challenging to deal with sans the assistance of melee fighters. Her communicator was vibrating in her pockets, ignored while the fighting continued.

"Eh." Lappland shrugged, smirking in kind. "I could say the same for you."

Texas rolled her eyes from her spot next to Lappland. A golden aura spread from her legs up to her chest. Sword Rain is raring to go. "Just get over here." She beckoned.

"They have reinforcements!" One of the bombers yelled.

"Focus your attacks on them!" Another shouted, tossing a Molotov cocktail their way.



She flinched back, eyes squeezing shut. The lack of an impact had her opening them again though. Mostima held up her staff, unamused as her arts repelled the blast and forced it back at the bomber in question. With the opening provided, Texas and Lappland slipped off of their confinement to join them.

"No! They're getting away!"

"Trust me. We aren't running anywhere." Texas growled.

The caster who spoke stiffened immediately, taking a step back. If Exusiai didn't know better she would say they were scared, that they understood the tone Texas was using signaled a forthcoming onslaught of pain. Mostima's arts were ticking back to their regular power, the natural field of slowing energy cocooned around the four of them like a safety net. Surprise flickered across Lappland's features briefly. It's her first time seeing Mostima's arts. She remembered her wonder over them, knowing how she had been so boisterous with all the asked questions. How does it work? Why doesn't it stop all time? How long can you do it?

As it was now, the time arts formed an impenetrable shield.

It gave them breathing room, the Reunion members trying and failing to penetrate as their movements were forcibly slowed. If there was any chance for strategy it would have to be now. So she turned to Texas expectantly. Ever the tactician, Texas would be the best shot for formulating a plan on such short notice.

"Your orders Texas?" She asked.

"Take them all down efficiently as possible. We're outnumbered, which isn't abnormal, but the snipers here could pose a serious problem."

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Where stories live. Discover now