Nct Dreams s/o responding to backhanded compliemnts

Start from the beginning

"Nice one, princess"

"Shut up Lee, this is your fault"

"I said I was sorry!"

Haechan wasn't the most popular boy in your school, but he was desirable. He was cute, smart, and talented, which put a target on your back the second you started dating him after he broke up with his ex. She was a popular girl in your grade, and you knew she was salty that she got replaced by someone like you. A "loser" in her eyes. She made it so noticeable that she was jealous of you, you barely had to do anything to figure it out. It was just obvious.

One afternoon you were in the cafeteria walking to your boyfriends table, when you noticed her watching you from hers. As you were passing by she mumbled:

"You can't pull that off"

Obviously talking about your outfit. You turned and smirked at her.

"That's why I get your boyfriend to pull it off for me"

She looked dumbfounded, and you simply chuckled.

"You make it too easy"

You laughed to yourself, as you continued to where Haechan was waiting to pull you into his arms and ask what she said to you.

You and Jaemin had been together since high school. Right after graduation you moved in together, and you'd been going strong ever since. You'd been through a lot, so it was no surprise to your families when Jaemin proposed to you at such a young age. They weren't even surprised by the announcement that you were pregnant, but they were all excited for when Jaemin would be bringing you and his newborn daughter home to visit.

It was during the holidays. Seeing your families went great, and one night while your parents watched the baby, Jaemin took you out to hang with some of his friends from high school. One of the girls there didn't pass your vibe check the moment you arrived. You couldn't tell if she was Jaemins ex, or a friend who used to like him, but it was clear she had never gotten over it.

"So you guys have a daughter?"

You nodded, and Jaemin smiled proudly thinking about his little angel. One of his friends had asked, prompting you two to pull out your phones and show pictures as the table cooed over her.

"You're too young to be a mother"

That girl piped up in disapproval. The whole table went silent, but before Jaemin could even step in to say anything, you were on your own defense.

"And you're too young to look 30, yet here we are"

A smile graced your husbands face as his other friends started laughing. You could tell by the way she shrunk back in her seat that you'd won. You felt Jaemin lean closer to your ear.

"This is exactly why I married you"

It was no secret that the people at your private school were stuck up. That's why meeting Chenle was such a breath of fresh air. It was even better when you started dating. He was just the right amount of fun and crazy, but he could also be serious and hard working, just more things that made you fall for him.

Your relationship had been the talk of a certain group of disapproving girls before, ones who thought one of them would be better for your boyfriend than you. The two of you never paid them any mind.

One afternoon you had been walking down the hall hand in hand as you talked about your plans for the weekend, when you rounded the corner and came face to face with a few of the girls. The one in the front eyed your boyfriend up and down shamelessly before glancing at you.

"Oh, Y/n. You look...decent. What changed?"

She said, obviously in a backhanded attempt to complement you. Today your hair was straighter than usual because you had recently gotten a trim.

"My hair I guess"

You shrugged, wanting to get out of talking to her as quickly as possible. She hummed as if mulling it over.

"You look better with straight hair"

"Too bad I can't say the same"

Was your immediately response, followed by gasps from the girls and laughter from your boyfriend as he pulled you down the hallway screaming about what a good comeback that was.

Jisung was your seat mate, and in your team when the class worked in groups. That was how you met, and how you fell in love. Now that you were dating, it was obvious the other girl in your team didn't approve. Not that anyone asked for her crusty dusty opinion anyways, but she always felt the need to give it unprompted.

Like today for example. It was the last fifteen minutes of class, so your little group was looking back on fond memories of high school, being seniors and all

"I had fun"

Jisung's best friend Chenle spoke up, as the conversation had been about prom.

"Me too"

You added in.

"But my look didn't come out the way I wanted"

Before anyone could say anything, miss ma'am interrupted the conversation with her peanut gallery comments.

"You would look prettier if you tried"

She said. Your boyfriends jaw dropped, but he's Park Jisung, of course he didn't have a comeback ready off the top of his head. You on the other hand:

"And you would have a boyfriend if you were nice"


Chenle literally yelled, gaining attention from other people in the room.

"You might need some ice for that burn"

He said, making you and Jisung laugh at how corny he was being. He tapped your hand under the table, and you turned your attention his way, the shy smile on his face indicating he was about to say something cheesy.

"I think you look beautiful, just so you know"


I just noticed that I have a tendency to write nct dream in a school setting...when were y'all gonna tell me?? 🤧✊🏽

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