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It's gotten worse.
I feel awful, the school year started and I can barley lift my arms.
Bocs has to take over.
Mother and I are in the lounge whilst I hear Boc talking with students, a few voices I recognise and a few I don't.
I'm lying on the sofa, my head is drumming, I'm covered in a thousand blankets and propped up with a hundred pillows and yet I'm still shivering.
Mother's sat by the side of the sofa, on the floor.
Periodically she will stroke my hand and whispers something unintelligible to me.
But it sounded kind so I don't particularly mind.

The lounge door opens slightly and Boc slips in.
"How's it going? Do you need me to take over?" I babble, Boc smiles and sits in the arm chair across from me.
"All good out there, it's break time so I'll stay in here for a bit."
Break time already, everything seems to be moving so quickly.
"I didn't really ask earlier, how is everyone?"
Boc looks embarrassed and scratches the back of his head.
He looks around hurriedly and avoids eye contact with my Mother.
"Elphaba caught me trying to leave and we got into a bit of a fight." Boc replies shamefully "but it's nothing to worry about."
Mother shakes her head and smiles.
"Elphaba always was quite feisty," she says calmly.
I turn my head towards her.
"Mum you shouldn't stay for too many more days, your going to miss out on being with Elphaba."
"I'm not leaving whilst your unwell." Mother protests.
I shrug and close my eyes.

I suddenly begin to feel the sensation of being shaken.
I throw my eyes open.
Disorientated I look around me, Mother has her hands on my shoulders and Boc is stood almost out of my line of sight.
"Oh Nessa thank goodness!" Mother crys suddenly, she flings her arms over me and rests her head against my shoulder.
I can't move, she's almost lying on me.
Boc chuckles emptily but he still looks relieved.
"What's the matter with you two?" I ask rather aggressively.
Mother releases me from her grip and fixes her hair behind her ears.
"You fell asleep but you wouldn't wake up when we called your name." Mother panics, her eyes rapidly flicking from me to my blanket.
"Boc are you sure you don't need any help?" I ask again, hoping for him to say yes and no at the same time.
To my dismay and relief he nods his head.
"It's all fine out there, no need to worry."
I nod my head in accordance with his.
Mother's hand suddenly flies out and grabs ahold of one of mine.
It startled me but I relax myself fairly quickly, well as relaxed as I can be while an entire marching band plays throughout my head.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather be in bed?" Mother questions worriedly.
I look around the room.
On one hand I'd long to be in bed, it's much softer than the sofa and I could open the window beside me and get some cool air over me.
But on the other hand, going to my room requires one of two things, either someone carrying me all the way to my room or being put in my chair then taken to my room then being put in my bed.
Both of which sound exhausting and I'm not the one doing the lifting.
Mother would have to wait in my office because I don't want her to watch me get in and out of my chair.
And I don't know where I'd make her stand if Boc were to carry me.
All of a sudden there's a loud noise in my office.
My heart begins to pound, mother grips my hand tighter and Boc ventures towards the door.
I hear him slowly open it and let out a deep sigh.
"Why are you here?" Boc asks rudely.
Boc suddenly steps aside and out of the corner of my eye, I see my sister rush hurriedly into the room, Elphaba hands Boc the Grimmere and he sets it carefully down onto my table.
She takes one look at me and folds her arms.

"Elphaba..." mother coos awkwardly, she turns her head back to me, her eyes like glowing help signs.
Boc and Elphaba scowl menacingly at each other.
She turns back to me, her stance bold and commanding.
Her sharp eyes pierce through my guilty conscience.
"Elphie..." I begin trying to sound sweet but I'm cut off.
"How could you not tell me you were sick?" Elphaba cries "am I that much of an inconvenience, all I care about is what's best for you and how you thought  that for one second that I wouldn't find out is beyond me."
I hate it, she's yelling at me for being unwell, I can't take it.
I start to cry.
I see the guilt build up in Elphabas eyes, she drops to her knees and kneels before me, mother was quick to get out of her way.
Elphaba holds my hands as I cry loudly and pathetically.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Elphaba wails frantically "I didn't mean to upset you."
I hear mother talking to Boc, I'm unaware of precisely what they are taking about but I can hear their voices muttering together.
"Nessa aren't you supposed to be working?" Elphaba asks calmly.
I stop myself from crying and compose myself.
"Boc's filling in." I reply sharply.
Elphaba nods slightly in Boc direction, then turn back to me.
"You should be in bed."
I nod, fearful of what might happen if I say no.
I watch Elphaba slide her hands under my knees.
I shake my head violently.
Elphie looks confused, still focused, but hesitant.
"Not in front of mum, please don't pick me up in front of her."
Elphaba nods and looks at Mother, she nods back sadly and leaves the room with Boc.

Elphaba puts me gently in my chair and pushes me to my bedroom, mother doesn't follow, neither does Boc.
Elphaba leaves me in the corner of the room and goes over to my bed.
She turns her head and looks kindly at me.

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