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"You!" I shriek, pointing angrily towards my sister "you've poisoned me."
I'm seething with range and simply can't control myself.
Elphaba sits quietly and allows me to be unapologetically vicious, I have a snakes tongue with no intention of stopping.
"You just couldn't stand the thought that you'd let me die so you placed this wretched 'gift' inside of me, and now Oz demands that I feel like death warmed up all of the time instead of being able to finally die and be rid of these aches and pains and plagues."
Elphaba blinks slowly.
"Nessa id never forgive myself if your sister let you die." Boc whispers sadly.
"That's not the point, your not some all powerful being Elphaba! You don't get to choose who lives and who dies. It's not your place to plague me with this!" I bark viciously "I'm so tired of fighting and feeling awful, I've felt awful since you revived me the first time when that farmhouse crushed me, why do you delight in torturing me? Is it because you just have to keep me alive to make yourself feel better?"
I'm sobbing so loudly and so violently.
"For someone so magical and so wonderful, you'd think they're never do this to another person." I whisper coldly, I'm so tired and so fed up, that I've lost all kindness and patience.

"Nessa, please stop shouting." Boc pleads with me "you'll make yourself ill."
"Oh what difference does it make!" I cry, thumping my hands down against the bed, I'm not used to moving my left hand since I've had a cannula in it and the sensation sends a shockwave through my body and I shudder terribly.
Just at that moment, the door to my room opens. I can't see whos there from my view but the slow, careful footsteps let me know it's my nurse.
But as sure as I am that she's in the room with me there's a second set of footsteps that I can't quite assign to a name.
"good to see you Elphaba, Boc." Doctor Tips familiar voice remarks.
Marigold approaches the side of my bed and a sharp pain in my hand lets me know that she's inserted the IV.
"You seem quite upset Miss Nessarose," Doctor tip comments and age steps confidently into my view "I wasn't expecting you to be awake yet."
Marigold chuckles heartily from my left.
"She's always woken up briskly."
"Has your nurse spoken to you about sedation medication?" Tip enquires.

I nod my head fearfully, recalling what that entailed for me.
"And how did you feel about that course of treatment, Miss Nessarose?" Tip asks.
I look towards my nurse for a reassuring smile, which I am given without hesitation.
"To be honest." I respond bluntly "it sounds horrible, being sluggish and tired is a huge problem for me anyway, I don't see how enforcing it with medication would help in anyway." I reply.
"It would help." Tip begins "to stop your mood from affecting your physical progress, every time you become distressed it places a strain on your body, one that you are struggling to counteract-"
"Is there another way?" I snap, I won't spend my time not being fully conscious.
"Nessa she's trying to help and your not listening." My sister barks at me, filling me with rage.
"Elphaba I don't need you to sit her berating me!" I shout "I'm a grown woman so leave me be."
I sigh deeply and close my eyes momentarily, breathing shakily for a few seconds.
"There's not a large amount of options ma'am." My nurse whispers gently "as your unable to receive antibiotics and other medications, we have very few viable options. We don't have to go with this one but this has the highest chance of success."

My sister has these large puppy dog eyes that she's flashing at me and they're making me feel rather uncomfortable.
"If I'm to be sleepy and drowsy anyway, can't I take the medication at home?" I ask hesitantly.
Doctor tip ponders for a long time until she finally gives me an unusual answer.
"Your IV drip is unable to be administered outside of this hospital, but depending on the dosage, we could allow you to go home for a while."
My eyes light up and so do my sisters and Bocs.
"If I'm going to be sleepy and drowsy anyway surely I don't need the IV" I comment, my nurse raises an eyebrow at me.
"Ma'am you do realise the implications of you not being in hospital?" Marigold cries "your not under professional observation, it's not sterilised and if something were to happen to you!"
I narrow my brow in response.
"Is this because I'm too valuable to the hospital?" I pry, "because if that's the case then I don't want your medication at all."
"No Miss Nessarose it's not like that at all!" Doctor tip cries "in order for you to go back home we'd have to have a strict set of rules."

I nod as tip begins the long and endless set of instructions.
"Once we give you the medication, it should take between half an hour to an hours time to take full effect, the medication lasts for a week, and during this time you must adhere to these rules as though your life depends on it." Tip states, she seems genuinely anxious for me, rather than just your average doctor concern "you must try to remain calm and collected as much as you can, the effects of the medication can be alarming at first so try to stay composed, no extreme movements-"
I stop tip in her tracks.
"Sorry to be nasty but what exactly qualifies as an extreme movement?"
Tip nods to my nurse, who walks over gently to me.
"Nothing that would cause you to break a sweat ma'am."
Doctor tip continues once Marigold has spoken.
"The effects of the medication get stronger on days three and four, so try not to be too alarmed, you'll feel it wearing off and at that point you should Contact us here and we'll come over and give you an examination to work out further action,"
I nod my head excitedly as I start to fantasise about being back home.
I think I'm ready to be with my family again.

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