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"Why is everyone shouting?" Boc asks shakily.
I look at the angry face of my sister and the desperate expression on Glindas face, Boc does a double take when he sees me looking so alive.
"Nessa it's only been three days, why does she look so much more lively?" Boc quivers.
My sister takes it upon herself to answer before I even get a chance.
"Because Glinda the Good decided that she was more important!" My sister snaps, Glinda huffs angrily and points viciously at my sister.
"That's not what happened at all!" Glinda shrikes "I'm not in the wrong here."
Boc looks about the room, terribly confused.
"Will someone please tell me what's happening here?" Boc demands.
"Glinda wants to take Nessarose to the emerald city because a bunch of citizens had some dreams that Glinda thinks are sighs of terrible things in the future."
"Elphaba this could help so many people, your being selfish" Glinda states angrily.
My sister flies into a rage, she looks as though she could hit Glinda.
"That's my sister Glinda, she's unwell, you can't expect me to be fine with taking her half way across Oz and be perfectly happy about it!" My sister cries.

I listen to the two of them bicker like children for quite some time, Boc attempts to interject at some moments in time but he's quickly silenced by either Elphaba or Glinda shrieking like a banshee.
I can't listen to this anymore, the yelling and screaming and the speaking about me as if I'm not here is all too much.
Far too much.
"Enough!" I bellow from my bed, the force of my yell sending both my sister and Glinda hurtling towards the floor, my wooden wheelchair topples over too with a loud crash.
"Stop your incessant screaming" I cry, almost at the edge of tears, "now both of you pick yourself up and stop shouting at each other." I command.
Both of them listen to my orders and stand themselves up, the two of them childishly refuse eye contact with one another.
Boc awkwardly scrapes my chair up off of the ground.
"When would we leave for the emerald city, Glinda?" I ask calmly.
"But Nessa you can't possibly be thinking about going." My sister interjects.
"I'm not talking to you, Elphaba!" I explode, quickly trying to compose myself again to resume my conversation with Glinda.
My sister pouts at being shouted at, Glinda looks rather smug as she's not the one at the receiving end of my anger anymore.
"Glinda?" I repeat, quickly realising that she's forgotten about my question.
"Oh yes!" She cries "we'd be leaving as soon as possible."
I nod, my sister cursed underneath her breath.

"Nessa." My sister mutters, after I've finished talking to Glinda. "Nessa are you sure that your in good enough health to do this?"
I stare at my sister, dumbfounded.
"Elphaba it doesn't matter." I state "it's up to me to help if I can."
Glinda smiles and nods.
"If we get there soon hopefully we can find the cause of these dreams."
Boc steps forward and crouches down bestie my bed and stares at me fondly.
"I hope your able to help." Boc whispers "I hope it all goes to plan."

We took a carriage along the road of yellow bricks, Glinda, Elphie and I, each of us setting off with a different view on the situation.
Glinda, being optimistic as ever, Elphaba, only coming to make sure I don't get myself into any trouble and to be able to say I told you so, when I do and me, who is just hoping that this tediously long journey ends soon.
Glinda sits before me and I'm sat on a bench beside my sister, as my chair had to be placed in the back compartment, it was quite the palaver hoisting me into this carriage and now that I'm on here I'm more uncomfortable than ever.
Elphaba has barley said two words this entire journey, I think she's just incredibly angry at Glinda for making me come all this way.
However, Glinda has not been anything remotely comparable to silent and instead has dictated the entire journey to me.
I've been throwing around scenarios in my head and rehearsing how I'm going to deal with disaster in the emerald city.
Since I got up out of bed my every move had been calculated, to ensure I make the best impression possible.
I'm wearing a deep green dress, with matching tights in order to blend in with the colours of the city, as much as the only wheelchair user in Oz can blend in, especially when I'm travelling with my green sister.
I'm also wearing a green cloak because my sister made a fuss about it being cold and I didn't want to wear a shawl because I believed that it made me look frail and sickly and that wasn't the impression that I wanted to exude.

The road continues to stretch off into the distance and I begin to find myself longing for sleep, my eyes begin fighting to be shut and I'm silently hoping that there are no bumps in the yellow brick road.
I turn my head to look out of my carriage window at the lush green grass, vibrant blue sky and whipped clouds that in my eyes resemble smoke trailing from a candle.
I hope that Boc is okay at home, I wish that he would have came with us but I didn't want to force him to come.
"How long now?" My sister mumbles dryly.
Glinda fumbles around, wringing her hands.
"I'm not sure," Glinda replies hesitantly "but you should be able to see it before we arrive there."
Another awkward silence ensues and I grip onto the sides of my cloak as the cold air nips at my features.
"Are you cold Nessa?" My sister asks protectively.
I nod my head reluctantly as my sister puts an arm around me protectively, pulling me to her side.

confusifying | wicked | book 3/3Where stories live. Discover now