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Karma decided to keep Asano waiting for an hour. And to avoid being bored...he decided to occupy his free time by trying on several of his newly bought clothes. Modeling himself and posing infront of his full body mirror.

The red head is an extremely attractive youth, with his apple red hair, burnt gold eyes and killer smile. He had good fashion sense too.

High IQ

good looks

charming personality(when he's not being a sadistic ass)

the red head is very attractive.

At the moment though...Karma didn't know why. But none of his clothes satisfied him. He's never cared for appearances before but today for some reason he felt self conscious.

But why?!

Could it be because he was meeting with a certain strawberry blonde perha-


Yes of course that was the reason. He's meeting with Asano alone at a nice coffee shop on a saturday afternoon, kinda like a d-


Oh but he wished it were, he truly-


Oh? and what can you do about it Karma-kun hmm?

Karma glared at the ceiling-I mean at me--No at the ceiling and stuck out his middle finger. "Fu-"

"Karma honey? everything alright?" his mother asks peering into his room. "Why were you screaming earlier?"

It was rare for any of his parents to be home. Karma stopped being happy or excited whenever his parents came home because he knew it wouldn't last. At the end of the day, they would leave him again.

"Nothing, I'm fine" Karma mumbled.

His mother, Akabane Natsuki had long brown hair, and had his golden eyes. She was 38 but looked to be 21, beautiful to a fault. "Are you sure?" Natsuki asked concerned.

Karma ignored her, chosing to focus on his clothes.

Natsuki felt her heart break. "W-well then um..if you need anything just-"

"You'd be gone by then" Karma cut her off coldly.

Natsuki bowed her head. "I'm sorry" she whispers and took a step out of her son's room before she could see her beloved Karma's angry glare at her.

The red head stood there, clutching a pair of jeans in his hand, before going over and slamming the door shut. The loud slam echooed down the hall making his mother flinch.

Karma changed his mind. He'll be leaving in twenty minutes.

I Will Make You Mine(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now