Deep Into the Soul of Nikki Potter (Edited)

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  Nikki has been disoriented since she awoke last week. She hasn’t gotten out of bed or said a word to anyone. Someone’s always with her and she never says anything. When Draco had appeared at the door the day she awoke all she did was look up and point to the door.

  Draco hasn’t seen her since. Every time he tries to enter she just does the same thing. I stay with her most, she seems to like me being in the room more than anyone else. What worries me is the things she does.

  When she’s awake, she stares out the window blankly, almost deep in thought. She doesn’t touch her food and she looks like she’s wasting away before our eyes and its killing us all.

  When she’s asleep she screams and cries and nothing can wake her. The first night she did it, I was in the room and I called to her, shook her, even threw water onto her, but she remained asleep. In the morning when she woke she felt the coolness of her clothes, shrugged, and looked out the window.

  Molly has gotten her out of bed to change her clothes and bathe, but once she’s done she’s back in bed staring out the window again.

  Lupin and Harry seem to be the ones that try to visit with her the most on the days I can’t. Each day with them gives her some progress, but once someone else comes she goes right back to where she started.

  I’m sitting in her room reading while she’s looking out the window. I sighed and drop the book.

  “Either tell me what I can do to help, or I’m going to have to invade your mind. Your choice.”

  Nikki glanced at me quickly but then looked back at the window. I knew that was her way of saying no without much movement. I sighed and got up to sit on the side of the bed, “Look, Nikki, we’re all worried about you. Can you just please tell us what’s going on?”

  Nikki sighed, looked at me, then back at the window again.

  I was getting tired of this and because of the distance she was putting between us I could no longer enter her mind without touching her. I grabbed her hand and gripped it hard and forced my way into her mind. I could feel her struggling against my physical being but my spiritual one felt nothing.

  I was aiming for her thoughts and once I got there I was barricaded. I could hear what she was thinking but I couldn’t enter her thoughts. This was new. I sighed and struggled against the block. Finally, I got through and everything became louder.

  My fault. All I do is cause pain.

  What is she doing, did she just enter my mind? I can feel her in there somewhere.

  Harry must hate me. He loved Sirius.

  I wish I could tell Lupin just how much I love him. I’m sorry I ever told him I hate him.

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now