I Know What's Wrong With Her (Edited)

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  I felt so useless, I couldn’t get up to help anyone as Nevaeh collapsed in front of us. Harry held her in his lap on the floor as Draco ran to get Professor Snape. I couldn’t move my arms or legs without feeling pain. I couldn’t tell Harry to get Nevaeh to a bed so she wasn’t on the floor, because half my face was covered in gauze. I tried to get Harry’s attention but he was so focused on Nevaeh that he didn’t notice me. I growled and he finally looked up at me. I tried to tell him to take her to the bed but it came out all mumbled. He must have understood though, because he picked her up and carried her to the bed next to mine. He laid her down and sat down on the bed beside her holding her hand.
  He sat like that for a few minutes not moving, barely breathing, when Draco burst through the doors with Professor Snape trailing behind him.
  Draco raced over to Nevaeh’s bed and took her other hand in his. I watched Snape walk over to Nevaeh and push her hair off of her face like she was his little girl. Tears came to my one good eye and I turned away laying back down closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
  I stood in complete darkness again, but this time there was no cruel voice yelling at me. I sat down feeling safe in the dark. I didn’t feel pain, my arms and legs were pale and scar less. I felt like my old self. I put my face in my hands and sobbed in my dream.
  I sat there for what felt like hours when someone started calling me. I looked up but no one was there.
  “Hello?” I called
  “Hello?” the voice replied.
  I stood up and looked around me for the source of the voice. “Who’s there?”
  “Nikki? Is that you?” The voice replied.
  I nodded but then figured the voice couldn’t see me, “Yeah, who are you?”
  The voice was silent for a moment, but then there came a sob, “It’s me, Nikki, its Nevaeh.”
  I stood there shocked. How was she in my dream if she was passed out in the bed beside me? “How are you here?” I asked her.
  I turned around and saw Nevaeh standing in front of me, “I’ve been here since I hit my head on the wall. I don’t know what’s going on, Nikki. I’ve been trying to call to you, but you always move deeper than this and all I’d been able to do is watch you. I have no control over this. Something else has control of my body.”
  I looked at her confused, “What do you mean?”
  Nevaeh sighed and shook her head, “It’s complicated. I’m still in my own body, but it’s not me. Something has control over me, and it’s not me.”
  I blinked at her a few times and then my eyes widened in shock, “Are you saying, that you’re cursed?”
  She nodded slowly and then looked away from me, “I don’t really remember what has happened over the past few weeks, Nikki, all I know is what I’ve seen in your dreams. I’ve noticed you think better when you’re asleep, so you come to dream and replay everything that’s happened. Normally, you just skip coming here and go right to the dream. The past two nights you’ve stopped here. Last night, I tried to talk to you but you were only hearing negative things, things I wasn’t saying. Scared, you went to a dream. If you had stayed here, I could have helped you, because once you enter your dream you block me out, but let her in. It’s dangerous. I had to watch what happened to you and not be able to do a thing about it. I didn’t do it, Nikki, I tried so hard to stop it.”
  I nodded and looked around, “This place normally gives me the creeps, but if you’ve been here, all along, why didn’t you try to contact me?”
  “I did,” she said, “but you needed to stay here where I could reach you, and you always left here.”
  “Where is here?” I asked her.
  She smiled at me and then shrugged, “I always believed it to be the world before dreams. In reality though, I don’t really know. I have to study more on Dream Walking, but as far as I know, nothing is mentioned about this place.”
  I nodded and then took her hand, “Nevaeh, we need to get you back.”
  She smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I know. I miss my brother. I miss Harry.”
  I smiled, “How do I get you back?”
  Her smile faded and she dropped my hand and turned around, “I do not know. If I knew that I would be back there by now.” She paused and sighed, “It was great kissing Harry again, even if it was only for a few minutes.”
  I looked at her confused, then rested my hand on her shoulder, “We’ll get you back, I promise.”
  “Nikki, do me a favor. When you see Harry tell him I love him. And Draco, when you see him tell him to look under his bed in our old dorm room, I left something there for him.”
  I nodded and sighed, “Anything else I need to deliver for a message?”
  She smiled and turned to me, “Yeah, tell Snape, tell him, he’s the father I never had.” I looked at her shocked but she laughed and shook her head, “Just deliver the message. Go now, the boys will be waking you soon, and my body is waking up. I’ll be here if you need me.”
  I nodded and let myself be pulled back to consciousness.

I shot up awake in bed, breathing hard. My arms and legs hurt but I needed to do what Nevaeh asked of me. I turned and saw that Harry and Draco where still dealing with Nevaeh. I reached over to the nightstand to grab a piece of parchment and a quill with ink. I quickly scribbled out my message to the boys and then tried to get their attention.
  Once I did they looked at me strange, “How did you communicate with her?” Draco asked me.
  I shrugged but then scribbled down the fact that Nevaeh is indeed cursed. She’s only been able to break the curse for short periods of time. Only long enough to get a quick glimpse at the damaged caused and then she would be forced back. For some reason, she’s in my head, trying to communicate with me but I never stay in the only place she can reach me.
  Draco and Harry shared a quick look and then looked at me. “Okay, so what did she have to say to us?”
  I scribbled it down ignoring the throbbing pain in my arms and showed it to them. Harry sobbed a little but quickly hid it. Draco nodded and turned back to Nevaeh’s limp body. He bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek before he took off running out the doors.
  I looked around for Snape but didn’t see him so I asked Harry. Harry sighed and looked down at Nevaeh, “He couldn’t figure out if Nevaeh was actually under the Imperius curse. He went looking for Dumbledore to see what he thought of the matter.”
  I nodded and saw Madam Pomfrey coming towards us. She had new bandages and medication for me to take. When she got to my bedside she quickly started to undo the gauze on my arms not saying a word. I watched her hands as they expertly took the gauze off. Slowly I was able to glimpse at the cuts on my flesh. ‘Pathetic.’ The cuts were raised and red, blood still spilled out of the words but not much. Once the gauze was off all the way, Madam Pomfrey poured some medicine on it and it burned. I bit my lip too keep from crying out. After, she quickly wrapped it back up, blood already soaking through again. She did the same process with my other arm and both my legs. I closed my eyes throughout the process so I didn’t have to see the cuts anymore.
  Finally she got to my face. She tenderly unwrapped the gauze from my face and tenderly cleaned it up. When she went to wrap my face back up Harry spoke up, stopping her, “Does she have to have that on?”
  I looked at Harry, I didn’t want him seeing me like this, but he already had. I didn’t want anyone else to see me like this, imperfect. Madam Pomfrey nodded then turned to me, “Let me know when you’re ready to be bandaged up, no more than twenty minutes, okay?”
  I nodded and Madam Pomfrey walked away, leaving Harry and I alone to talk. My cheek really hurt. I looked at Harry, and he was looking at me, “I’m so sorry, Nikki.”
  I looked at him confused and replied, “For what?” I flinched at the pain.
  Harry took my hand in his and squeezed it gently, “Letting this happen to you. I should have known. I should have protected you better. I’m your brother, it’s my job to protect you.”
  I looked at Harry and shook my head and gave a weak smile, “It’s okay, Harry, I’m fine. Madam Pomfrey says I’ll be as good as new when I heal. She thinks that we got here in time so that I shouldn’t scar.”
  Harry nodded but put his head down on the bed, “I still should have protected you. You shouldn’t be in here, and it’s my fault.”
  I went to reply when Draco came running through the door and to my side smiling, “She left me the ring.”
  I looked at him weird, making sure to hide my face, but before I could say anything movement came from beside me where Nevaeh was laying.
  I looked over to see Nevaeh was sitting up in bed smirking.

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now