She Lied but I'm Happy... He Don't Remember so I'm Sad... (Edited)

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  I had brought River/Nevaeh to the Hospital Wing fuming. I had watched her slit her wrists open all because I got mad that she lied to everyone. Nevaeh... River... River... Nevaeh... How could she lie like that to everyone? To Draco? Ron had followed me down the Hospital Wing then sent me to go get Ethan. I want so bad to tell Draco but if I do I will die. Why did she have me make the Unbreakable Vow? Oh I know why, so no one finds out about her fucking secret!

  This kid is going to be the death of me.

  I walked into the Great Hall and saw Ethan and Draco talking. It was weird because Draco look genuinely happy like he hasn't been mourning. I saw him and that slut Alie stand up and head to the doors. I followed and once outside of the Great Hall I called to him.


  He turned around and frowned at me, "What?"

  "I wanted to tell you I apologized to River."

  "And?" he asked seeming impatient. 

  "I meant it."

  He shrugged and then turned to Alie, "Should I believe her, babe?"

  Alie glared at me and then smiled at Draco, "Nope. She's a lying bitch. You should ask River."

  I gaped at Draco, "Oh, so now that Nevaeh's dead-"

  "Come on, Draco let’s leave before she lies more." Draco nodded and they started to walk away. I saw Alie look back at me and then sighed, "Hold on, babe, I want to tell the bitch something." Draco nodded and Alie came back to me. "Look, he doesn’t remember that Nevaeh died. He just thinks she transferred. That's what I told him. He asked me last night to remove the memory and I did. He's happy. Leave it like that."

  I glared at her and then shook my head, "You have to tell him! He needs to know! Are you really that selfish! Knowing he won’t get into bed with you as long as he's mourning the death of his sister!"

  "He asked! He wanted the memory gone! I'm sorry but I had no choice! He asked and I did it!"

  "You should have told him no!" I fumed.

  She glared at me and then said, "You just want to keep him vulnerable so you can have him. Well, how selfish are you?"

  With that she turned around and left. I stood there gaping at her when Ron came around the corner. He saw me and grabbed me by the arm pulling me into the abandoned girl lavatory. "River told me you know."

  "I can't talk about it."

  He sighed, "She told me that you made the Unbreakable Vow that you can't tell anyone about the secret. Thing is she put in it that you can't talk to anyone who doesn't already know. If they know you can talk about it."

  I sighed and looked up at him, "You knew all along?"

  He sighed again, "I had no choice. I knew if she didn't pretend to kill herself we would lose her forever. I wanted to protect her. You would have done the same thing."

  "No! I would have gone right to Draco and tell him what she was planning!" I shrieked.

  He looked down and then sighed again which was getting annoying, "The Dark Lord can read Draco's mind! She couldn't tell Draco because he needed to believe it."

 "Don't you see how bad you hurt Draco? He had that stupid slut out there erase the memory of her dying. As far as he knows she's still alive! If anyone tells him that she died it’s going to open the wound up again and it'll be twice as worse!"

  Ron looked at me confused and then his eyes grew round, "He erased the memory?"

  I glared at him while I nodded, "Yeah, he was in so much pain he found a way to make it go away. I'm surprised he didn't ask her to erase every memory he had of Nevaeh and just make it seem like she never existed at all."

  Ron looked down and then sighed, "We didn't want to hurt anyone but she needed to disappear so no one could find her."

  I looked up to the ceiling and saw Moaning Myrtle floating above us. "You." I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She giggled and came down to us. "Nevaeh's still alive? How pitiful. Once Harry finds out he'll stop coming to see me."

  "Nevaeh is dead." I said.

  Ron looked at the ghost girl and sighed, "Myrtle, you cannot tell anyone. This is to protect Nevaeh."

  "What's in it for me," she giggled."

  I growled but Ron shrugged, "A date with Harry?"

 "Ooo," Myrtle said with another round of giggles, "a date with Harry. I accept."

  She disappeared and I turned back to face Ron when Ethan walked in white-faced. "Did you say Nevaeh's alive?"

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now