I Wouldn't Care if a Brick Hit You in the Face and You Died (Edited)

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  I woke up in my bed, tired and with a headache. It took me a moment to remember what happened last night and when I did I growled, “Damn bitch is stronger than I thought.” I was using all my strength and everything and yet, I still was kicked out of her mind. I was mad.
  I got out of my bed and got dressed in my school clothes along with my school robes. It’s been a while since I wore my school clothes and robes. It felt good to wear them again, as a true Slytherin. I smiled at the thought, but then remembered my headache and scowled again.
  I didn’t bother with make up or jewelry today, it didn’t matter what people thought of me anymore, I had to help my brother with his task of being a Death Eater. I went to the Slytherin Common Room and met up with my brother.
  When Draco saw me his smile faded and storm clouds appeared in his eyes. “What do you want, Nevaeh?”
  I smiled at my brother and took his hand in mine. We hadn’t held hands since we were kids and I missed having that closeness with my brother, “C’mon, Draco, don’t be like that. Look at it as I have improved epically.”
  Draco shook his head and pulled his hand out of mine, “I don’t like who you have become, Nevaeh, I miss the old you. Get back to me when the real you is back.”
  He started to walk away but I grabbed him by the arm and made him turn to look at me, “Don’t turn your back on me, brother, I am your sister. I am the only one that will ever understand you, the only one who will never leave your side. We are blood, and DNA, you can’t just get rid of that like it never mattered.”
  Draco scowled at me and gripped my hand detaching me from him, “I know what you did to Nikki, sister, you pulled her into a trap. Do you know what would have happened to her had she thought that was even remotely true? You would have crippled her mentally, you would have left her in your little trap and sent her back into a coma. Luckily, she’s smart and could tell you were lying.”
  I laughed, “Let me guess she came crying to you last night afraid it would happen and you comforted her and told her it was all a lie.”
  Draco smiled a knowing smile at me and replied, “No. She came to me and told me what happened but also told me about how she was able to conquer you and throw you out of her mind. You can’t break her, Nevaeh. She’s strong. She’s the only one that can push you out so hard, I’m willing to bet, you have a pounding headache and upset stomach to the point it’s almost crippling but you’re just too afraid to show any weakness. Face it, Nevaeh, I know you. I know how you work even if you have turned completely evil, but I’m not going to give up. I know you are buried deep down inside, just giving up thinking you can’t fight any more, but you can, Nevaeh, you can fight you just need the will to do so.”
  I clenched my jaw and glared at my brother, “You’re wrong. I’m dead.” With that I turned and walked away, leaving my brother by himself.

I decided to skip classes today and lounge out in the field by myself in the cold. It felt good having the snow against my skin, it soothed my headache and my stomach. That damn bitch sure did a number on me.
  I shook my head and stood up hearing the bell for lunch. I was starved. Snape knew where I was and was covering for me, I told him what happened with Draco and said I wasn’t going to class, I didn’t ask him to cover for me, I just knew he would. We Slytherins look out for our own.
  I went into the castle and headed toward the Great Hall when I heard three voices, all of them I knew.
  “I can’t believe you told her off, Draco, I mean come on, she’s your sister. Normally you just stand in the shadows and try to keep hidden until you know she’s going to need you.”
  I heard Draco chuckle and then sigh, “I was standing up for you, Nikki. Nevaeh could have done some real damage to you if she wanted to. I try hard enough to keep information from her and yet that means I have to fight her without her knowing I’m doing so. That’s hard enough as it is. I couldn’t even image trying to push her out of my mind when she’s buried in so deep and trying to control you. It’s hard, Nikki, I don’t know how you managed to do it.”
  “Nikki’s not the average witch, if you haven’t noticed, Draco. I’ve made the mistake of doubting her once.”
  Nikki laughed, “Yeah, Harry ended up on his ass in a snow bank in the middle of June.”
  “What happened?” Draco asked.
  Harry chuckled and replied, “She accidentally transported me to the North Pole. Lupin had to come get me.”
  Draco laughed and then spoke to Nikki, “She’s at a dangerous point, right now, Nikki. It would be best if you stayed away from her. She’s mad enough as it is that you were able to-”
  “Stop!” Nikki yelled. Their footsteps stopped and everything went silent. Then Nikki said softly so that I could barely hear her, “She’s listening.”
  I smirked and stepped out of the shadows, “How’d you know?”
  It was entertaining seeing all different emotions on all three of their faces. Nikki was glaring at me, Harry was looking at me like he was lost, and Draco had a blank face which I knew meant I’m-mad-at-you-I-just-know-better-than-to-show-it. It took them a minute to say anything when they did Nikki said, “I could feel your presence.”
  I looked at her confused and then laughed, “Oh, someone is being dramatic. You couldn’t feel my presence, you saw me in the shadows.”
  Nikki smirked and replied, “Got a headache and stomachache I see.” I looked at her confused, my head and stomach hurt but how did she know. Draco wouldn’t know I still had it. Before I could say anything she laughed, “Your mind is very dark at the moment. I can read your mind. Been able to since I broke the connection last night.”
  I shook my head and laughed, “Yeah, right! Only I can read minds, you can’t. You’re just messing with me. Trying to play games.”
  Nikki smiled, “Think of something only you and Draco would know and I will prove to you I can read your mind.”
  I smiled this would be easy. I thought about the secret I made Draco swear never to tell anyone no matter what happened between us. I thought about that day, how I stole something from my mother and she never found out. It was something small but I wanted it. It was a ring my mother had set in the back of her jewelry box muttering her hate for the ring, how it belonged to Sirius and how she took it because she knew if Bellatrix had it she would sell it even though it was a family heirloom. She hated the ring but need to keep it, it was a sense of pride. I thought about how I gave the ring to Draco and he kept it on a chain and used to wear it around his neck until he got scared that someone would discover it, so he hid it under the floor boards in our bedroom.
  I looked at Draco and nodded, he looked at Nikki and she smiled, “That’s actually a cute memory. A secret shared between you two. A stolen ring that belonged to-”
  “Hush!” I screamed at her. No one needed to know. I only thought of that memory because I was sure she wouldn’t be able to read my mind. Now, she just proved me wrong and that pissed me off. “You never speak of that.”
  Nikki smiled and took Draco’s hand, “C’mon, Draco, let’s go get lunch before it’s too late.”
  They started to walk away and I pulled out my want and screamed, “Crucio!”
  Nikki dropped to the ground screaming in pain, Draco pulled out his wand and disarmed me while Harry helped Nikki up. She panted and turned and glared at me, “I hate you.”
  I smiled and replied, “I don’t care. I wouldn’t care if a brick hit you in the face and you died, Nikki.”
  She narrowed her eyes at me and took Draco’s hand again and stormed off with Draco and Harry in tow behind her. I smirked and followed behind her to the Great Hall. When I got in Nikki was waiting for me. She stood tall, with her arms crossed and Harry and Draco standing there next to her confused. I smirked and went up to her. “Looking for more, Nikki?”
  She didn’t smile or anything, just stood there looking at me with a serious look on her face. Draco touched her arm and she pulled away from him, her eyes not leaving mine. Finally she raised her voice and said, “You want to fight me, do it. Let the school see you for what you are, a coward. You had to curse me when my back was turned, only a coward does that. If you’re not afraid then fight me. We will have a duel, if you’re up to the challenge.”
  I looked at her through narrowed eyes and then smiled, “Name you time and place.”
  Nikki’s expression didn’t change, she stood there looking at me with the same serious look, “How about now, in the courtyard?”
  I smirked and laughed, “You’re so going to lose.”
  “We’ll see about that.” Nikki said.
  Nikki, Draco and Harry all went out to the courtyard and I followed. I could hear chatter behind me as everyone followed us. When we got to the courtyard everyone surrounded Nikki and I. We started preparing for the duel which meant we had to take our wands out and bow to each other. Draco and Harry were to watch over the duel and to tell us the rules.
  “No illegal curses can be used, no Dream Walking and no mind reading. This is to be a fair duel, you are not dueling to kill, so no spell that can seriously harm someone can be used. Now, bow to each other,” Draco said and Nikki and I bowed respectfully to each other then held our wands at the ready waiting for Draco to step aside and let us start the duel. “Go,” Draco called as he backed from between us.
  I smirked and cast the spell first, “Everte Statum!”
  Nikki flew backwards and landed on her back on the ground. She stumbled to her feet and then yelled, “Colloshoo!” I tried to move but found that I couldn’t move my feet at all. I glared at her, she rendered my shoes to the ground. Before I could cast another spell she yelled, “Incarcerous!” Rope came from her wand, but I blocked it before it could get me.
  When I went to cast my next curse someone yelled, “Expelliarmus!” Both my wand and Nikki’s wand flew out of our hands and we looked around confused. Snape stood by one of the doors to the courtyard looking like he was pissed. He approached us and everyone that had been watching instantly departed. Nikki, Draco, Harry, and I stood there knowing we were in trouble.
  Draco reversed the curse that Nikki had put on me, so I could move my feet again. I stood there looking at Professor Snape, who had just gotten to us and was glaring from me to Nikki. “What do you think you are doing?” He asked in his monotone voice.
  I smirked and replied, “Nikki thought it would be a good idea to have a duel to see who is stronger, but obviously it was a wasted attempt because we all know I’m stronger than her.”
  Snape glared at me, “You are nothing but a group of insolent little kids. Irresponsible, disobedient, juvenile children. To have a duel between two strong witches is suicide to both of you.”
  I scowled but Nikki spoke up, “Why is it suicide to both of us, sir?”
  Snape glowered at her, “Because, Nikki, you two are each other’s counter parts.”

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now