Nevaeh Has Gone Totally Insane (Edited)

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  Nevaeh had dragged Ron and me into the Gryffindor Common to yell at us. So far she was pacing in front of us looking furious. It has been twenty minutes and I had to readjust myself so I could stay comfortable. Every time I stood up she would glare at me and I would sit back down, not wanting to get into a fight with her after seeing what she did to Draco without moving too much.

  Finally I had to pee, but she started talking, "Nikki, why did you read my journal?"

  I looked at her shocked. It took twenty minutes for her to ask me this one stupid question. I believe I should have been at least aloud to pee while she thought this. "Um, I didn't realize-"

  "I don't want to hear any excuses. Why did you read my journal, even after you realized it was mine?" she cut me off.

  I glared at her but her glare was worse. I flinched and looked away. "I don't know. Maybe because I know nothing about you. I didn't realize that there were secrets like the ones you have in there. I only read-"

  Again she cut me off, "Two entries, I know." I sat there gaping at her. How did she know? She looked at me and said, "Close your mouth it’s appalling to look at you like that. Anyway, I know this because I have a charm on my book so that I know when someone’s read it and how much they have read. I have to do that, otherwise I wouldn't know if someone got into my stuff."

  I nodded and then looked at Ron, "Am I the only one that's going to be bitched at or is Ron going to get a bitching too?"

  "Oh no, he'll get a bitching, but you won’t be here. I'm done with you for now. Go. I need to talk to Ron alone," she said looking at Ron.

  He didn't flinch, or request for me to stay just looked at me and nodded. I got up and turned away running out the door needing to pee extremely bad.

  After I went pee I was on my way to dinner when I heard a muffled cry. I paused, debating on if I even wanted to bother. I sighed and followed the cry. Whoever it was, was just around the corner. The first thing I saw was a black head and then I saw Draco. He was kneeling down whispering to whoever was crying. Slowly I approached and saw that it was a second year Slytherin. I didn't know the kids name but I recognized them from the short time I lived with the Slytherin.

  I approached them both as quietly as I could trying to overhear what was being said. Unfortunately, Draco looked up in that moment and saw me. He nodded in my direction then went back to talking to the boy. I stood there looking at them then shrugged. When I was standing in front of them I knelt down. The little boy looked up at me and quickly rubbed at his eyes trying to wipe away the tears. I smiled a soft smile and then looked at Draco.

  "What happened?" I asked them both. I don't know who I was really asking, but whoever answered I knew would tell me.

  Draco looked at the kid as if asking for permission to tell me. The little boy looked up at Draco and nodded. "Pansy." Draco said looking at me.

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now