I Don't Know What to do Anymore (Edited)

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  I watched as Nikki started to shake, and her knees go out from under her. She started to crumple to the ground and Draco reached to catch her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her breathing started to race. Draco looked up into my eyes, fear present in his gray eyes. I stumbled backward and screamed for Harry.

  I continued to back up until I hit the bottom step of the porch and fell onto my butt. I heard the door open up as footsteps came toward me. Two arms picked me up and carried me inside as Harry came into my view. I watched him as he ran toward Nikki and helped Draco carry her toward the porch, before I was inside the house no longer able to see what was going on.

  I clutched onto the person that was carrying me and realized it was Ron. He was carrying me up into my room and laid me down on my bed curling up with me, hold me as I finally started to cry. I let everything I’ve been holding in all day release and flood me.

  When I finally stopped crying and became too numb to move, Ron got up and left the room to get food, but I wasn’t hungry, I just wanted to sleep. So sleep, I did.

  It’s been a week since Nikki passed out. She still hasn’t woken up and Draco refuses to leave her side. He won’t even eat anymore. Dark blue circles have started to appear under his eyes from lack of sleep, and I swear he’s lost a few pounds. We found out from Harry that this was her body’s normal reaction. She would pass out whenever she was under stress, the amount of stress she was under determined how long she was out.

  Draco has been beating himself up for it because he believes it’s his fault as to why she is passed out. Everyone else just believes that she was going through too much stress so she passed out. Remus showed up the day after saying he needed to be there for his little girl.

  I have to admit that at times, I was jealous of Nikki. She may have lost her parents before she was old enough to remember them but she still had Remus to raise her and care for her.

  I was standing in the living room of the Weasley house along with everyone else.

  Mrs. Weasley has been stressed out for the past week, hoping that Nikki would wake up soon. She was sitting on the couch holding Mr. Weasley’s hand. “If this continues any longer we’re going to have to admit her to St. Mungo’s.” She whispered. No one wanted to hear the truth that Nikki might never wake up. Mrs. Weasley has a feeling that Nikki is in a coma, she believes that Nikki’s mind and body has no clue what to do with the stress that has probably been piling up for years so it’s folding in on its self-trying to protect her.

  I sighed and looked around the room, “We know she goes there and that’s like a white flag to the Dark Lord saying that he can kill Nikki. Besides, we all know Draco is going to refuse anything we say. He won’t even leave her side other than to go to the bathroom, but he’s always rushing back. I just wish I could say what caused this.”

  I had tried to enter Nikki’s mind but she’s locked me out of her mind. It possible to get into a person subconscious but its draining. I finally came out to everyone about being a Dream Walker and they all accept it.

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now