Nikki Lily Potter (ReEdited)

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  My name is Nikki Lily Potter, sister of the one and only famous Harry James Potter. He's my twin brother nothing much. We don't get along. I wasn't at the house the night Voldywart (hehe my nickname for the bastard that killed my parents) killed our parents like Harry was. No, I was with Sirius. You see Sirius had a bad feeling and told my parents he wanted to take Harry and me along with our parents and hide us in his house until further notice. Thing is my parents just shrugged it off. "Oh, you're just overreacting, Sirius, no need to worry. We'll all be fine." They told him that if it made him feel better he could babysit me for the night and they would come get me in the morning when everything had blown over. That never happen.
  Sirius asked Remus to come to Grimmald Place to babysit me while he went to go check on my parents and Harry. When he came back, though, he was distraught. I don't remember this but Remus told me everything. He said that Sirius had had a run in with Peter Pettigrew and had killed him. Up until a few years ago, I didn't remember Sirius when Harry and I learned that he was innocent. We only knew Sirius for a short while and then last year, Bellatrix killed him.
  Anyways, I live with Remus and last year Harry moved in with us so now we live with each other 24/7. He drives me insane!
  Harry and I look totally different from each other. I look like our mother Lily. I have long red hair that is a pain to brush even more so when it's wet. I'm skinny and short, I only stand at 5 foot 1 and a quarter. I have hazel eyes just like my daddy James. No one even realizes that we're related at times. Once, someone told me I needed to keep an eye on Harry otherwise some other girl would snatch him away from me. It took me a while to realize she thought I was his girlfriend! I was so appalled. Ugh!
  So, like Harry I'm a Gryffindor which means I don't get anytime away from him. I like this guy though, he's extremely good looking but I know I have no shot with him. He's perfect and sweet, though no one sees it.
  Well, I guess that's all for now, have fun reading.

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now