He Wants to Date... Me? (Edited)

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 I closed the compartment door behind me and followed Harry down the corridor and went into an abandoned compartment. He closed the door behind us and then closed the curtain. He turned to me and approached me. I stood in the center of the room just standing there staring into his green eyes. He gently put his hands on my waist and leaned down and kissed me.

  At first I was stunned, but then I kissed him back. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and could feel the ends of his hair tickling my palm. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. All my thoughts were pushed away in the matter of moments. My mind was blank except for every thought that was about him.

  Finally he pulled away and everything kicked in. I realized what just happened and I started to freak out in my head. He smiled at me and then realized himself what just happened and started to stutter. "Omigod, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I-"

  I pulled him back to me and kissed him again just to shut him up. When I pulled away I looked at him and smiled, "Harry, it’s okay. I'm not mad." He smiled at me and I frowned. "You do realize we can't be together, right?"

  His smiled faded and he nodded looking away instead of at me, "I know."

  I looked at him and put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me, "Hey, I wouldn't mind being with you, it’s just, you're a Gryffindor and I'm a Slytherin. We wouldn't be accepted."

  He put his hand on top of mine and lowered both our hands. "You shouldn't have been a Slytherin. You’re too sweet."

  I giggled at that but then put on a blank look, "I needed to be in Slytherin. I needed to be there for my brother."

  "Your brothers a right big git." He said.

  I pulled my hand away from him and looked at him with a hurt look on my face. Then I got angry. "Listen right here, Harry Potter. You don't know Draco the way I do. You don't know him at all. So before you start calling him a git why don't you at least try get to know him? Now if you don't mind I'm-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. Instantly I melted into him, pulling him to me and kissing him back.

  When I went to pull away he pulled me back to him, pressing his lips harder against mine and fiercer. He wrapped his arms around my waist tighter, his hands sneaking up my shirt. His fingers were cold against my skin and it sent shivers down my back. I put my hands onto his chest and pushed him away. I needed to breathe and I couldn't with his touch. I smiled at him and then walked out of the compartment with one last look at him.

  I walked down the hall when I ran into someone-literally. I seem to be doing this a lot lately, running into people. I stumbled back and looked at them. It was Hermione. She looked at me and smiled then said, "Have you seen Harry, he took off half an hour ago and no one's seen him."

  I smiled at her and nodded, "Yeah, he wanted to talk. We talked."

  She nodded and left. Hermione Granger, always looking out for her friends.

Love Thy Enemy (Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story)(Edited)Where stories live. Discover now