Chapter 11

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Garcia rides shotgun with Derek driving and Emily sits in the back with Spencer and I. I know what she's thinking, I know what everyone is thinking. "Why are you all so fucking quiet?" Spencer slouches beside me and rubs his face. "You're all boring as hell." He pulls his hood over his head and leans against the window.

"We're all just a bit curious about what was going on in that bedroom." Morgan laughs and turns down a quiet, dark road. "Fuck all. That's what was happening. Nothing." I face Spencer as he sighs and closes his eyes. Emily is giggling next to me and Garcia smiles at Morgan.

"He was helping me with my sleeping bag."
"Oh, so that's what you call it then?" Morgan chirps and Spencer grunts while slapping his forehead. "Maybe you could help me with my sleeping bag later?" Garcia cheekily says to Derek. "Woah baby girl, keep it down. There's people in the back of this car." He laughs while rubbing her thigh.

Two hours later, we reach the field and everyone clambers out of the car. "It's not a great camping site, but the Halloween walk is just round the corner." Morgan smiles and locks the car behind him. There's a few lit up tents dotted around the field, it's not very crowded but it looks safe.

"C'mon, we need to head there now it starts in twenty minutes." He wraps his arm around Garcia's shoulders and leads the way from the field to the road we were previously on. It's dark, but the cool breeze is nice. It's quite a clear night and the moon is shining brightly, Spencer digs his fists deep into his coat pockets and Emily links her arm through mine.

We're walking for about fifteen minutes when we arrive at the ghost walk. We're greeted by a strange man dressed as a scruffy farmer. "Hey guys! I'm Jacob." He smiles brightly and splits us in half. Emily, Garcia and Morgan are with one group and spencer and I are with another.

"This is going to be shit." Spencer frowns and I can't help but shove his shoulder. We all head into the forest, 12 of us in number. Spencer shuffles closely behind me, stepping on as many crunchy leaves as he can find.

The man leading our group recites a local ghost story and every now and again I hear Spencer mutter "bullshit" or "thats a load of crap." I feel myself smile when Spencer bumps into me after a woman jumps from behind a bush.

Other people in our group scream or shout each time they're spooked and Spencer tries to keep his front. He's now walking next to me his strides shorter than usual so that he doesn't over take me and leave me on my own.

A man jumps from behind a tree and Spencer bumps into me again squeaking like a girl. I laugh at him and he frowns, I can't stop myself from laughing though. The deeper his frown keeps getting, the more I laugh at his embarrassment. Eventually a smile cracks over his lips an he shoves me with his large hands. "Shut up." I laugh again and he stops walking.

"Im going to stand here until you stop laughing like a fucking idiot." He stubbornly folds his arms and I walk toward him, giggling. The moon lights up his brown eyes and his hair blows slightly in the breeze.

"Ok, I'm sorry." He unfolds his arms and takes a step forward. "Jennifer."
"Spencer I told you to-" he covers my lips with his long fingers and his eyes dart through the trees surrounding us. "We're lost." He removes his hand and sighs. "This is all your fault." He begins to walk forwards and I notice that we're alone. We've been left here, alone.

I jog slightly to catch up with him as he brushes his way through the trees. I can feel it getting gradually cooler and darker. "Spencer, slow down." He doesn't, he just continues to walk leaving me a few paces behind him. I run forwards at grab his arm. "Will you stop ignoring me?" He turns with angry eyes. "JJ with you just shut up for five fucking minutes." He stands and mumbles for a few seconds before walking again.

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