Chapter 50

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"Ok you can open your eyes now." Spencer's voice sounds from behind me and I frown while thinking about what could be in front of me.

I slowly open my eyes and find a little blonde boy. "Auntie JJ!" he exclaims and jumps into my arms.

"Hey buddy.. hi!" I almost shout back and he squeezes me tightly.

"I misses you." he says when he pulls away, smiling brightly. Spencer's hand moves to my shoulder and I lift Henry on the the sofa.

"I missed you too!" he smiles brighter and hugs me again.

"How about we go and see your room Henry?" Spencer smiles and lifts him over the back of the sofa and onto his hip.

"My room?" Henry questions him and I join them on the short walk to the bedroom beside ours.

Spencer places Henry on the ground and opens the door. Henry gasps and claps his small hands "Yay! my fawourite colour." he jumps a little and faces us both bending his neck just to see our faces. I crouch and he wraps his arms around my neck. "Can I bring my things here?" He asks sweetly and I nod my head.

Henry runs to the living room to grab his bag and I look up to Spencer. "Thank you." I say it quietly and he smiles before i stand on my tip toes to kiss him.

When we part Henry is stood beside us scrunching his nose. I laugh at him and join the boy in his room. Spencer goes back into the living room and Henry grabs my hand.

"Come on, you need to help me put my clothes in there." he points his small finger at the tiny chest of drawers beside his bed and I laugh.

"Ok, ok." I pull at least three different outfits from his bag and frown slightly. "I don't think you're going to need all of these?" I cock my head and Henry laughs.

"I'm here until Monday silly." he laughs more and I join him.


Once we've put Henry's clothes into his drawer I help him into his pyjamas and we join Spencer in the living room.

"Can I sit here?" Henry asks Spencer, his smile not as wide a before. I wonder if Spencer intimidates him a bit? Henry hasn't had a manly figure in his life; bar my dad, since he was born, plus Spencer is always frowning.

"Sure." he states while not even looking at him. I look at the TV screen and Quantico is on, I laugh slightly at how into it he is and Henry sits beside him watching the screen too.

I walk to the kitchen and make all three of us a hot chocolate. While the kettle is boiling I look out of the window at the few buildings and trees. I love how secluded this place is, just three other buildings and a little park round the back. We could probably take Henry there tomorrow, play a little football and that.

"That hot chocolate isn't going to make itself baby." My body tingles as Spencer's arms wrap around my waist. He's never called me baby before, but I like the way it sounds coming from his mouth.

"Sh you." I joke at his comment and he turns me to face him smiling. He kisses my lips gently and pushes the mugs from behind me to one side.

His hands move down to my thighs and he lifts me on to the counter without moving his mouth from mine. His lips move to my neck and I look into the living room where we left Henry.

"Spence." I pull away slightly and he looks at me with his usual frown. "We can't... Henry."

"He's fine." he smiles and kisses me softly again.

"No Spence, we can't." I push him away and his hazel eyes grow large. "Don't give me those doe eyes, you know it's not right." I sigh, convincing myself as well as him.

"Selfish." he jokes and removes his hands from my thighs.

"You know me." I rub the hair on his head and jump down from the kitchen side.

"Marshmallows?" I ask him as he walks slowly back into the living room. I know he doesn't like them, I just want to stay in this playful phase.

"Fuck off." he laughs and Henry's head pops up from behind the sofa.

"You said a bad word!" He shouts while pointing at Spencer.


"It's bad." he repeats and I see Spencer's shoulders move up and down as he laughs at the innocent boy.

"I do a lot of bad things little man."

"Spencer." I scold and he looks at me while smiling and frowning. Henry also looks at me, with a confused expression and I smile slightly.

I finish the hot chocolates topping Henry's and mine with marshmallows, then wobbly heading to the sofa the boys- my boys are on.

A murder scene occurs on the TV and I know Henry shouldn't be watching this. I pick up the remote and switch it to a movie channel, a cartoon film plays across the screen and Henrys face lights up. Spencer sighs quietly but I ignore it, Henry shouldn't be watching a woman get murdered and he won't understand the type of shows Spencer watches.

After a few hours Henys head falls on Spencers shoulder and he looks at me with a horrified expression. "What do I do?" He asks awkwardly and I laugh.

"You're pretty silly for a genius." I joke and he frowns as I lift Henry from his body.

"I'm not a genius... And I'm not silly!" He shouts through the bedroom door and I laugh while placing henry into his bed. I cover his body in the thick duvet and kiss his head before tucking him in.

Just before I close the door, a quiet voice fills my ears. "I love you auntie JJ."

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