Chapter 17

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The next morning I wake with an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. Today I start my new job and I've never been so nervous.

I shower quickly and pull on my smart clothes. Black trousers, a plainly coloured shirt and a black blazer. I adjust my hair at least four times before I leave the apartment, yet still the wind insists on ruining it.

The drive there feels like it takes forever. The rain begins to come down hard and I'm praying there's a good parking spot, I can't be looking like a drowned rat on my first day.

When I arrive at the offices I'm greeted by Blake, she smiles widely and informs me that she's my escort for the day.

"I'm really sorry if I'm like intruding... getting in the way of your day?" I say as she leads the way to the office I'll be working in. "oh no, trust me you'll be saving me from the guy I work with." she laughs. "what's wrong?" I ask. "He's a great guy! he's just awfully rude. you've gotta love him though, he brightens my day." she smiles as we enter the lift. "sounds a lot like a guy I know." I joke.

The elevator stops on the fourth floor and we step out. "Ok, so the idiot I told you about is probably going to be here about..." She looks at her watch and then to the elevator. The floors are counting down meaning someone on the ground floor has pressed for it.

"He'll be here any minute, if this would have been a few weeks ago he would have been like five minutes early... something's been wrong with him lately." the floors begin to rise and we enter the office waiting for the guy to join us. "Don't take it to heart if he's rude, it's just him." she smiles and he walks through the doors.

"Not late!! I've still got 0.8 seconds to spare!"

Authors note: I know this chapter is awfully short, I just wanted to leave it on a bit of a cliff hanger and I've also got a bit of writers block. Obviously you guys have gathered who's just walked in, but I wanna make you wait a little bit for a reaction!

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