Spending time together

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** Time Hop **

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

A couple of weeks have passed and all me and Zak have done is spent quality time together and alot of time with Cody. I love spending alot of time with Zak but as each day passes it's getting closer and closer to the day Zak has to go back to do what he does best.

We was both really excited to go together but turns out their manager from Travel channel wasn't happy with the idea of me joining the crew. Not because of my lack of experience or because they'd have to pay for an extra person...it's because of Cody, they think he'd be a distraction for Zak and the guys if we went on the investigations with them.

The day we found out that I can't "technically" join all hell broke loose between them and Zak, now I have seen Zak pissed off before but even that day I gave him a wide birth. It's not a pretty sight when he goes off like that. It got to the point where they threatened Zak about cutting the show all together.

I didn't want that to happen, Zak and the guys have worked so hard for ghost adventures and I don't want to see all of that go down the drain all because of me. But there is one thing Zak has promised I will still be part of the team whether travel channel likes it or not I am going to be working with him.

Just not right now...let the dust settle from the big argument he had with his manager and then I make a move and slide in without them even knowing.

But for now, we're spending time together. After having a bit of a rough night with Cody as he wasn't settling with colic I really didn't fancy doing much. So I just relaxed on the bed and snuggled him, eventually Cody was finally getting some good sleep and I was relaxing.

Zak's point of view

I never give enough credit for anything Catherine (y/n) does, she's literally like super woman. She's been up majority of the night looking after Cody as he's really suffering with colic, even I tried everything with him to get him settled but nothing seemed to work.

Catherine (y/n) who still looks beautiful as always right now looks dead on her feet with exhaustion but yet she's still powering through with everything. Most of the day I've been sorting the house out, cooking us lunch and even prepared dinner for tonight. I've even made a couple of bottles ready for Cody's feed.

As Catherine (y/n) has been quiet for a little while I decided to go into our room to check on her. I seriously wasn't ready for my heart to burst with pride with the moment I was about to witness. As I stood in the door way I found Catherine (y/n) laying on the bed all snuggled up with Cody on her.

I couldn't help but take pictures of this beautiful moment

I couldn't help but take pictures of this beautiful moment

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