Connection from the other side

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

A few weeks pass by and I was finally all settled into my new life living with Zak. It really has been a dream come true, when I'm having one of my bad days he comforts me or whenever my scoliosis is really causing me hell Zak is always there to love and support me.

We're not even married but the vows "in sickness and in health" plays a very big part in our relationship.

Today was one of my bad days and no matter what I do, nothing is helping me, I just stayed in our bedroom and cried.

Zak: "baby are you ok?"

I shook my head no, which made Zak come in, sat by me on the bed and put his arm around me.

Zak: "what's wrong?"

Catherine (y/n): "I just...can't stop thinking about my nan" I started to cry again

Zak: "when did she pass away?"

Catherine (y/n): "New year's day this year....there was no warning, she just fell asleep and never woke up again. I don't understand and I keep asking why"

Zak: "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could take your pain away. She's always with you baby"

Catherine (y/n): "I know she's watching over me, but I don't feel any connection anymore and I can't sense her around like I do with my great grandmother. How do I know she's around? I need to find out she's around"

I started to cry hard again and I covered my face with my hands. Zak's heart was breaking from the pain I was feeling, so he wrapped me in his loving embrace to try and ease my pain.

Zak's point of view

I hate seeing Catherine (y/n) in pain from her tragic loss, I embraced her in my arms to try and ease some of her pain. I want to help her, I need to help her....Then a thought came in to my head maybe I can contact Marti and Michael Parry they can help her, maybe even give her some peace to know her grandmother is still with her.

Zak: "I might be able to help you connect to your nan again baby, would you like that?"

Catherine (y/n): "you can do that? I'd love that"

Zak: "I'll try my best for you baby, I'd do anything for you. I'd even walk through hell and back as long as I can be with you and make you happy"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you baby"

Zak: "I love you more, I'm just gonna make a phone call baby"

Catherine (y/n): "Ok baby"

I caressed Catherine's (y/n) cheek and gave her a quick kiss, before I went to make a phone call.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my contacts til I found Marti and Michael's number and I diailed it.

Marti: "Hello?"

Zak: "Hey Marti it's Zak"

Marti: "Hey Zak, how are you?"

Zak: "I'm good thanks, how's you?"

Marti: "we're very well thanks, what can we help you with today?"

Zak: "I was just wondering are you and Michael busy this afternoon?"

Marti: "no we're not busy and you're in luck we're actually in Las Vegas at the moment"

Zak: "great is there any chance you both can come and over to mine please, my girlfriend is actually seeking help to reconnect with a passed family member"

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