Threats and Exs

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Zak's point of view

Its been a few weeks since Catherine (y/n) has come home from the hospital after suffering really bad with morning sickness. The last few weeks we have done nothing but relaxing and spending time together.

We've also been going to the museum alot, but we don't stay for long as I don't want Catherine (y/n) to be exposed to the spirits too much, but when we do go there all of the staff loves seeing her. Every time Staysha sees Catherine (y/n) she can't resist on touching Catherine's (y/n) baby bump.

The baby has grown so much these last few weeks and Catherine's bump is becoming more noticeable everyday, but the main part is she's healthy again and I can't stop staring at my beautiful and glowing fianceé.

Today is the day I dreadfully have to leave for a investigation, it's been a few weeks since we've been on a investigation and I don't like the thought of leaving Catherine (y/n) behind.

Zak: "I gotta go baby, I wish I could stay but this investigation is really important"

Catherine (y/n): "it's ok baby, I understand. You don't need to worry about me baby I'll be fine...I promise"

Zak: "I know baby but..."

Catherine (y/n): "if there's any trouble I'll call you ok, Morgan is coming around pretty much everyday so I'm not gonna be on my own"

I embrace Catherine (y/n) and held her in my arms tight, I really hate leaving her.

Zak: "I love you baby"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more"

I reluctantly let go of her, I know she'll be ok but I can't help but think something bad is gonna happen. I've noticed my dads spirit has been around alot lately so I pleaded to him to protect my girl while I'm gone. I eventually got on the RV and I was soon on the road to the next location.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I hate it when Zak leaves, but I know he needs to do his job and kick some demons/spirits ass and help people rid of any attachments. Zak and the guys are really the best paranormal investigating team ever and I'm so proud of them all.

When I got back inside I had a text from Morgan to let me know she's on her way to me

Morgan: "on my way bestie 😁😘 see you soon 💖 x"

Catherine (y/n): "see you soon bestie 😁😘💖 x"

As I was getting things ready for mine and Morgan's girly session I had a text from Zak.

Zak: "I love you so much beautiful. I can't live without you in my life ❤❤ yours always ❤ Zak xxxx"

I blushed at Zak's text and thought he really is the sweetest and the most perfect man I know.

Catherine (y/n): "I love you so much even more handsome ❤ I can't live without you in my life and I promise you I'll NEVER leave you ❤ yours forever and always ❤❤ xxxxx"

Zak: "and I'll never leave you baby girl ❤❤ xxxxx"

I'm literally beaming with love, I'm the most luckiest girl in the world.

Just as I was about to text Zak back I had a phone call from a number I don't recognise, so I answered it to see who it was.

Catherine (y/n): "hello"

There was no answer, all I can hear is noise and someone breathing

Catherine (y/n): "sod ya then don't answer me"

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