fearing the worst

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Me and Morgan was almost at the hospital where Zak, Jay, Aaron and Billy got admitted to. I have to admit I was so nervous to tell Zak about the baby but I was so relieved to see him especially after the guys car accident.

Aaron kept notifying me what was going on. We was about 20 minutes away and Aaron notified me again but this time I can tell it was bad, and I panicked.

Morgan: "Hey Aaron you're on speaker"

Aaron: "how far are you both?"

Catherine (y/n): "20 minutes away Aaron, is Zak ok?"

Aaron: "just hurry, Zak has taken a turn for the worse"

The word hit me hard like a cargo train, it felt like my world was crumbling down and I can feel my heart breaking.

Aaron: "Catherine (y/n)?"

Morgan: "Catherine (y/n), pull over and let me drive"

I don't know how I did it but I managed to pull over and get out of the car. I felt like I was on auto pilot and I got into the passenger seat

Morgan: "we won't be long now Aaron, I'm going as fast as I can"

Aaron: "just hurry...please"

Morgan shut off the phone and put her foot down more. Right now she didn't care if she gets pulled over or even get a speeding fine, she needs to hurry up and get to the hospital.

We managed to get to the hospital in just 5 minutes. We quickly parked the car and ran inside the hospital and to the reception

Catherine (y/n): "hi our boyfriends and our friends have got admitted into the hospital"

Receptionist: "what are there names please?"

Morgan: "Jay Wasley, Zak Bagans, Billy Tolley and Aaron Goodwin"

Receptionist: "they're all still in the emergency room down the corridor on the left"

Morgan: "thank you so much"

Catherine (y/n): "hurry!" And we ran, this was the fastest I have ever ran in my life, but I need to get to the love of my life.

We made it through the doors and we can see the guys standing by eachother and around Zak. He didn't look to good and can see he lost alot of blood.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak!?" I ran to his bedside and touched his arm and then his handsome face which was now covered in cuts and bruises.

Billy: "Catherine (y/n), he's ok. He scared us a bit just now but the Doctors managed to stabilise him".

I could feel tears building up in my eyes and then they started to fall. I looked at Jay, Aaron and Billy and I was so glad to see they were ok apart from some cuts, bruises. Looks like Jay and Zak came off the worse, Jay was sat in the bed next to Zak with his leg all bandaged up.

Catherine (y/n): "are you guys all ok?"

Aaron: "we're all fine"

Jay: "apart from my leg I'm fine sis"

Billy: "look at us all little sis we're all safe"

Aaron: "do you need a hug from the goofball?"

Catherine (y/n): "I do, but I just want Zak to wake up"

The guys didn't take no for a answer so they all came over to me, including Jay and hugged me.

Jay: "everything will be ok Catherine (y/n), we promise"

Billy: "we're not gonna leave you or Zak behind, plus I think Zak would kill us all if we left you"

I laughed a little bit, but it didn't help with my pain. I looked at Zak and held his hand.

The doctor came over to discharge Jay, Aaron and Billy and then talked to me.

Doctor: "are you Zak's next of kin?"

Catherine (y/n): "yes I'm his girlfriend Catherine Masters (y/n)"

Doctor: "Miss Masters, Zak has recieved some nasty injurys from the accident. Before you got here he took a turn for the worse but we managed to stabilise him"

Catherine (y/n): "but why won't he wake up?"

Doctor: "we gave him alot of pain relief and we had to sedate him to manage his injuries. I'm sure he'll wake up soon"

Nurse: "we're moving him into a private room now"

Catherine (y/n): "can I stay with him?"

Nurse: "I'm not sure that's a good idea ma'am"

Billy: "please doctor, Zak's girlfriend here has just travelled a long way to get to us, surely there isn't any harm in letting her stay in the room with him"

Doctor: "it's not a problem at all, follow us to his room"

I looked at Billy and mentally asked him can he come with me

Billy: "you guys go ahead to the hotel, I'll stay with Catherine (y/n)"

Aaron: "let me know when you're ready to get picked up and I'll come and get you"

Billy: "ok dude"

Catherine (y/n): "thanks guys"

Billy's point of view

I put my arm around Catherine (y/n) to comfort her as we walked down to the room the doctors was taking Zak to. I could feel her shivering.

Billy: "are you cold?"

She just nodded, so I wrapped my jacket around her to warm her up. We walked into the room and the doctors was finishing up with Zak getting his monitors plugged in.

Seeing Catherine (y/n) sitting down in the chair by Zak looking drained and filled with worry makes me feel hopeless. I want to comfort her and ease her pain but there's only one person that can do all of that but he's the one laying in the hospital bed.

The only way I can comfort her is to hug her and so I did, I held her and tried my best to comfort her.

Billy: "I promise you sis, Zak's gonna be ok. He never gives up easily, and I'm very sure he wouldn't just leave you behind like this. Not now not ever, you really have turned his life around for the better Catherine (y/n), and I'm glad you both finally found eachother".

I saw a brief smile and a hint of hope in her eyes then she started crying again. I decided I'll give her some time alone with Zak, if anyone could wake Zak up its Catherine (y/n).

Billy: "do you want me to get you something to eat and drink?"

Catherine (y/n): "yes please Billy, thank you"

Billy: "anything for you sis, I'll give you some time with Zak, be back in a little while"

Catherine (y/n): "ok Billy, thank you"

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