on the road again part 2

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Zak's point of view

I really wanted to ask Catherine (y/n) to marry me but I want to make it romantic. She deserves to be proposed to the proper romantic way. As I held her in my arms I can't help but think she really is the one for me... my soul mate, the love of my life.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and we took pictures together, I even took a couple of us kissing. I never did this with any of my ex's but I uploaded a couple of pictures on Twitter.

@Zak_Bagans: "Can't wait to make @catherinemasters91👻🖤 officially mine, she has changed my life so much. She's has brought me nothing but pure love and light in my darkness and I can't thank her enough. Just when I thought I was the one saving her, turns out she's the one saving me. I have finally found my 'the one' ❤❤"

I posted the tweet and almost instantly our phones started going nuts with likes, comments and retweets. Thankfully we had alot of support comments from fans. There was a few that said horrible things, but we wasn't gonna let any of them put us down, we are very happy together.

An hour later, the RV arrived and we both got on. The ride to Jay's and Morgan's place was short and I really didn't want this moment to end. I haven't left Catherine (y/n) behind to go for a investigation before and quite frankly I don't like it. I wish she was coming with us.

We pulled up outside Jay's, Catherine (y/n) and Gracie got off and then Jay got on. I gave Catherine one more kiss and embraced her.

Zak: "I'll see you in a few days baby, I'll miss you"

Catherine (y/n): "I'll miss you more baby. Don't worry about me, I'll be with Morgan. Have a safe journey and safe investigation"

I held her in my arms again and I told her...

Zak: "I'll text you soon. I love you"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more"

And with that I gave Catherine (y/n) and Gracie a kiss and got back onto the bus and started our journey to our next location.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

After seeing Zak and Jay head off me and Morgan went inside and had a very good catch up.

Catherine (y/n): "I can't believe you and Jay are having a baby, it's gonna be such a cute baby"

Morgan: "I can't believe it too, hey Catherine (y/n) bit of a personal question have you and Zak had unprotected sex?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah we have, when I first got back and when he whisked me away"

Morgan: "No I meant before that? Before you went back to the UK"

Then it hit me...oh my god! Could I possibly be pregnant right now. Me and Zak did have unprotected sex whilst I was here...I put my hand on my stomach and I haven't had any periods yet.

Morgan: "Catherine (y/n)?"

Catherine (y/n): "Morgan have you got any spare tests?"

Morgan: "I've got one spare. Shall we go and get some more so you can do a test now and then in the morning"

Catherine (y/n): "yes please"

We quickly put the dogs safe in their safe spots whilst we drove to the store, when we got there we found the aisle with alot...and I mean alot of pregnancy tests. We bought a few kits and headed back home.

Morgan: "I'll feed the dogs and get you a drink, you go and get ready to pee on a stick. I'm excited to find out if we're gonna be baby buddies"

Catherine (y/n): "ok"

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