Home sweet home

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** The next day**

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

It's finally the day I get to go home after staying in the hospital for a few days. I can't wait to finally go home and relax and spend quality time with Zak. I looked over to see Zak still sleeping, so I carefully got out of bed, use the bathroom and pack some of my things up ready.

By the time I got back into the room Zak was just waking up, I went over and kissed him.

Catherine (y/n): "morning handsome"

Zak: "morning beautiful, you're up early?"

Catherine (y/n): "I thought I'd starting packing up my things ready to go home"

Zak: "I can't wait to take you home, then soon before you know it I'll be taking you and our little baby home"

He smiled and put his hand on the baby bump and kissed me. All I can think is Zak really is gonna be the perfect dad to our little baby, and I'm excited to see him bond with him or her.

Zak's point of view

As I was kissing Catherine (y/n) I placed my hand on her little baby bump. I still can't believe there's a little baby who's half of me and half of her growing inside of her, this baby is going to be the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.

As I was just about to kiss Catherine (y/n) again the OBGYN/midwife walked in

OBGYN/midwife: "good morning Catherine (y/n), how are you feeling today?"

Catherine (y/n): "very good thanks, ready to go home"

OBGYN/midwife: "we'll good news you can head home mid-day today, we'll prescribe you with anti sickness tablets just in case you feel sick, but fingers crossed all will be ok now. We mainly just want to check on the baby this morning, will that be ok?"

Catherine (y/n): "of course it is, we'd love to see the baby again"

OBGYN/midwife: "we'll take you for a scan in a little while, but in the mean time we'll hook you up to check the baby"

Zak: "what do you mean?"

Catherine (y/n): "baby it's ok, it's just to see the baby's heart rate is ok and other things"

OBGYN/midwife: "exactly as Catherine (y/n) said, it's mainly to check the baby's heart rate and everything else"

Zak: "she's only 12 weeks, will we be able to hear the heartbeat?"

OBGYN/midwife: "it might be a little bit faint but this machine is suitable for early pregnancy checks so it's more better than the other readers. So Catherine (y/n), let's get this on you"

Catherine (y/n) laid on the bed as the OBGYN/midwife put the band's and heart reader around and on her bump. Then she turned the machine on, faintly but surely we heard our little baby's heart beat

OBGYN/midwife: "there it is, sounds great and a happy baby"

I looked over at Catherine (y/n) and she had happy tears in her eyes. I even had tears in my eyes.

OBGYN/Midwife: "I'll give you two some privacy and I'll come back and check on you in a little while"

I went over to Catherine (y/n) and we just sat there listening to our little baby's heart beat.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

As me and Zak was sitting on the bed listening to our babies heart beat, I couldn't help but think everything is perfect. As I carefully listened to the baby's heart beat, I can tell the baby is a little boy.

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