One step closer to home

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

After a good night's sleep and waking up to Zak laying next to me, I finally felt better and was ready to leave the hospital. Hopefully the OBGYN/midwife say I can go home. I looked over to Zak and I couldn't stop staring at him, he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I gently woke him up by running my fingers through his hair and kissed him gently.

He opened his eyes, smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me.

Zak: "morning beautiful"

Catherine (y/n): "morning handsome" then he kissed me.

Zak: "how you feeling baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "better than I have been"

Zak: "you look more better too baby, beautiful as always"

Catherine (y/n): "you're so sweet baby, hopefully the OBGYN/midwife will let me go home"

Zak: "fingers crossed baby, I want you home too. I'll be more happier to see you eat something and the baby keeps it down for you"

Catherine (y/n): "me too baby"

Just as we was about to kiss the OBGYN/midwife came in.

OBGYN/midwife: "morning Catherine (y/n), how you feeling today?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm feeling great thanks, can I go home today?"

OBGYN/midwife: "We want to make sure any food you eat stays down first, if all goes well today then you can go home tomorrow"

I don't like the thought of not being with Zak for one more night, but its all for the best for me and the baby

Zak: "we keep meaning to ask when is the baby due? With all the things that happend it slipped my mind"

OBGYN/midwife: "let me look through the notes....umm..the baby is actually due the 5th of April"

I couldn't believe it the baby is due to be born on his or her daddy's birthday. I looked over at Zak and he has the biggest smile on his face.

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god really?!"

OBGYN/midwife: " that date a special date by any chance? You two look really happy about the date"

Zak: "my birthday is the same date so the baby could be sharing the same birthday as it's dad"

Catherine (y/n): "also it's grandad's"

Zak: "your dad's birthday is also the 5th April?"

Catherine (y/n): "yep" I smiled, out of all the dates the baby could be born on its daddy's and it's grandad's birthday

OBGYN/midwife: "that'll be amazing if it does, he or she will be a nice birthday present for you two then"

Zak: "Definitely"

Zak looked over at me all I could see is pure joy on his face, it'll be so cool if the baby is born on Zak's birthday but what would be totally strange is if the baby is a boy. Chances are he'd look like his daddy too, so it would literally be like a mini version of Zak running around.

After the OBGYN/midwife finished checking my vitals, we decided to FaceTime my mum since it's 4pm in the UK. I pressed the call button and waited to see her face.

My mum: "Hey Catherine (y/n) you all ok?"

Catherine (y/n): "hi mum, yeah we're all ok thanks"

My mum: "why does it look like you're in a hospital?"

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