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Zak's point of view

After me and Catherine (y/n) ended our phone call I quickly got in my car and drove to the hospital to meet her and my sister Meredith there. I hope she's ok, I don't want anything to happen to her and our son.

After what felt like a hour drive when it was actually only 20 minutes, I eventually got to the hospital and I walked into the waiting area to meet Catherine (y/n) and Meredith. As soon as I saw Catherine (y/n) I quickly walked over to her and embraced her.

Zak: "I'm so glad you're ok, Every time I leave you something always seems to happen"

Catherine (y/n): "I was thinking the same thing, it seems to me our son doesn't want to go anywhere unless daddy is with us"

Zak: "by this rate I'll be taking you two everywhere I go even to new locations"

We both laughed a little and I placed my hand on Catherine's (y/n) bump. I didn't realise how much pain she was in until she flinched and hissed in pain when I touched her belly.

Zak: "does it hurt baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah"

I just gently rested my hand on her bump

Meredith: "do you want me to get you guys anything?"

Catherine (y/n): "No thank you, I'm ok"

Zak: "thanks sis I'm good, if you want you can head back to the spa resort. After Catherine's (y/n) all done and is ok to go I can bring her back"

Meredith: "are you sure Zak, I don't mind waiting"

Zak: "I'm sure, we'll be ok"

Meredith: "ok"

Meredith came over to us and gave us both a hug and then she headed off back to the spa resort.

OBGYN/midwife: "Catherine Masters (y/f/n)"

Catherine (y/n): "that's me"

OBGYN/midwife: "come this way please"

I held Catherine's (y/n) hand and we walked into the OBGYN/midwife's room.

OBGYN/midwife: "what can I help you with?"

Catherine (y/n): "since this evening I've been having pains on my bump and it hurts when the baby kicks or moves and it hurts when I touch it"

OBGYN/midwife: "ok let me have a look"

Then the OBGYN/midwife checked Catherine's (y/n) bump. As I was looking at the baby bump I noticed alot of faint bruises covering Catherine's (y/n) stomach.

Zak: "what's with all these bruises?"

OGBYN/midwife: "I was just looking at them all, looks like where the baby has kicked you really hard internally so he or she has given you internal bruising"

Catherine (y/n): "really?! I know I can bruise quite easily but didn't think I'd get bad bruising on the inside"

OBGYN/midwife: "it can be quite common but some women don't notice it"

I rubbed Catherine's (y/n) back gently

Zak: "so is there anything you can do to help?"

OBGYN/midwife: "unfortunately no, just rest up mainly. The bruising should go down in a few days or so, but if there's any further problems just come back and we can see what we can do"

Catherine (y/n): "thank you so much"

We both left the OBGYN/midwife office and made our way back to the car.

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