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Zak's point of view

After going out with the guys for dinner I went back home. It feels so weird not having Catherine (y/n) around me, the house feels so empty without her. As I got inside Gracie came up to me, but I can see she kept wondering where Catherine (y/n) was.

Zak: "mommy is in hospital girl she'll be home in a couple of days"

Then she whined, it's hard to see Gracie upset because she misses Catherine (y/n). I stroked her to reassure her everything is ok.

Zak: "everything is ok girl, she'll be home soon"

The house really does feel empty without Catherine (y/n) here, I need to see her. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and facetimed her.

I was waiting for a little while til she answered the call. I hope I didn't wake her up.

Catherine (y/n): "hiya" she said really sleepy. Shit I did wake her.

Zak: "sorry I woke you up beautiful"

Catherine (y/n): "it's ok, I miss you"

Zak: "I miss you too beautiful, someone else is really missing you. Come here Grace"

Gracie came running over and she looked at my phone.

Catherine (y/n): "Gracie"

Gracie kept doing her cute little head tilt and she started searching the house.

Me and Catherine (y/n) both laughed a little.

Zak: "she's on the phone girl, look."

I showed Gracie the phone and she was looking at Catherine (y/n)...she started getting really excited

Catherine (y/n): "hey girl mommy misses you too"

Zak: "and I miss you more"

Seeing her beautiful smile made my loneliness dissapear.

Catherine (y/n): "I miss you more baby, did you have fun with the guys?"

Zak: "yeah, we just talked and joked around"

I can see she's getting sleepy again, but I don't want to go, I want to be with her.

Zak: "can I come and see you?"

Catherine (y/n): "of course you can baby"

Zak: "I'll see you soon baby"

I ended the call and made sure Gracie was all settled for the night and made my way to the hospital.

As I got to the hospital, and got onto the ward I walked to Catherine's (y/n) room, I quietly opened the door and I found her sleeping. As I didn't want to wake her to much, I took my shoes and my jacket off and I carefully climbed onto the bed and laid next to her.

I wrapped my arm around her and rested my hand on the baby. I also kissed her gently on the cheek, but that seemed to wake her a little.

Catherine (y/n): "hey baby" she said very sleepy

Zak: "I didn't mean to wake you baby, I'm here now"

Catherine (y/n): "I thought I was dreaming again"

Zak: "this isn't a dream anymore baby, I am really yours and I'm really here"

I kissed her again and she turned around to face me

Catherine (y/n): "I'm over the moon my dream came true"

Zak: "and I'm over the moon to have finally of met you, when you tweeted me and congratulated me on winning the award for the museum I thought wow, she is beautiful...And that was when I fell in love with you"

Catherine (y/n): "I fell in love with you when I started watching ghost adventures"

Just hearing her say those words really made my heart soar, she really was supporting me all the way. I embraced Catherine (y/n) in my arms and I squeezed her gently, I really am the luckiest guy in the world.

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