double surprise

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

5 minutes later the guys arrived to pick me and Zak up from the hospital and they spot Zak on the bench and me in the wheelchair.

Billy: "are you ok Catherine (y/n)?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm fine, just Zak panicking about me as normal"

Zak: "she's really suffering from morning sickness at the moment"

Billy: "jeez, are you gonna be ok to get something to eat?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm gonna be, I'm starving"

Billy: "No stopping you then"

Catherine (y/n): "nope"

We laughed.

Zak: "Come on baby let's get in the car"

Me and Zak climbed into the car, and for a change Zak didn't want to sit at the front with Billy, I don't know if it's because I'm not feeling to good, or if it's to do with the accident.

So Billy was driving, Aaron riding shotgun, Jay to my right, me in the middle, Zak to my left and Morgan sitting in the back. I'm glad I was sitting in the middle, but I kinda wish I had a window seat.

We soon arrived at a restaurant to have something to eat, I couldn't wait to get some sort of food in my stomach, but I really hope the baby will keep it down for me.

Zak's point of view

As we pulled up outside the restaurant I was glad to get out of the car, I was starting to wonder if I'm having flashbacks from the car accident which is causing my anxiety.

We all walked into the restaurant and we got seated, I couldn't wait to eat a proper meal. After we all had our meals we all got talking, that's when Jay wanted to tell us their good news.

Jay: "me and Morgan have got some great news to tell you all"

Aaron: "what is it dude?"

Billy: "Come on just tell us"

Morgan: "I can show you all instead" that was when Morgan pulled out a baby vest and a pregnancy test.

Aaron: "are you serious right now?"

Billy: "are you two having a baby?"

Morgan: "we sure are, and we can't wait"

Jay: "so you guys are gonna be uncles and Catherine (y/n) you're gonna be a auntie"

Zak: "congratulations to you both"

Billy: "congratulations bro"

Aaron: "I can't wait to be fun uncle Aaron"

Billy: "how many weeks are you Morgan?"

Morgan: "5 weeks"

Aaron: "tiny baby bean then"

Jay: "our little jelly bean"

I was so happy for Jay and Morgan, they both deserve it, especially Jay.

Jay: "Zak I believe you have got news for us too"

Zak: "we sure have, umm first of all I asked Catherine (y/n) a very special question last night, and she said yes"

Aaron: "you're engaged?"

Catherine (y/n): "we sure are"

Jay: "congratulations to you both"

All of the guys and Morgan hugged us and congratulated us. Now it was time to announce about our baby.

Zak: "that's not the only good news we have got to say...Catherine (y/n) do you want to tell them?"

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