The day before

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Today's our last day at the spa resort, I have loved every second spending time with all the girls but I can't wait to go home. Only thing is I won't go home until tomorrow, I can't wait to see what Zak and the guys have done at home for the party.

As I was laying in bed I was just about to text Zak when I had a knock at my door.

Victoria: "morning Catherine (y/n) you ready to start our morning at the spa?"

Catherine (y/n): "I sure am"

I got up, dressed and headed down to have breakfast with the girls.

Morgan: "I can't wait to eat breakfast, I'm feeling starving today"

Victoria: "Jayden must be growing a little bit more. He wants alot of food"

Morgan: "I dont think he can grow much bigger, I feel like I'm gonna burst"

Meredith: "you'll be surprised, how many weeks have you got left?"

Morgan: "4 weeks"

Meredith: "aww not long to go now, he's got tiny bit more room to grow"

Victoria: "maybe it's a false sense of hope, you watch he'll be tiny when he comes"

Morgan: "probably, but then again I think he's following Jay. So he'll be very tall. Catherine's (y/n) baby will be tiny"

Catherine (y/n): "I dunno about that, yes I'm small and the baby might be small when he or she is born but they'll grow to be tall like it's daddy. But then again if it's a girl she might stay small like me"

Meredith: "No problem with that hunny, you're so small you're cute"

Morgan (Zak's niece): "if it's a girl you should call her Pixie because she'll be small"

Victoria: "she'll be like a little fairy"

Catherine (y/n): "that's a cute name but if it's a girl me and Zak has already got a name in mind for her"

Meredith: "what's the name you've chosen?"

Catherine (y/n): "if it's a girl we'll name her Sophia Grace"

I looked at Meredith and I can see tears forming in her eyes

Meredith: "I love the name, I had a feeling Zak would choose our grandmother's name for a name"

Should I tell her it was actually my idea, then again it was a joint decision.

Catherine (y/n): "actually Mer I came up with the name. I knew Zak would love it because it's your grandmother's name"

Meredith: "I'm so glad you chose the name, it's perfect. I bet Zak was happy"

Catherine (y/n): "he was over the moon happy, he actually had happy tears"

Meredith: "aww bless him, he was very close to her. You should have seen him when she passed away, he was a complete mess and you can tell he wasn't gonna be the same again"

The thought of seeing Zak like that, all broken and in pain from the loss of his grandmother made me hurt inside. I wish I can just see him and hold him tight in my arms.

Morgan (Zak's neice): "have you got a name for if it's a boy?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah me and your uncle Zak has chosen the name Cody"

Morgan (Zak's niece): "so cute"

Morgan: "tell them the rest of his name"

Meredith: "what's the rest of Cody's name?"

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