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Zak's point of view

The last thing I saw was Catherine (y/n) looking at me with nothing but fear and panic, then she became unconscious. I panicked and went rushing to her side and held her in my arms.

Zak: "Catherine (y/n)!...please don't do this to me baby, not now"

Head OBGYN/midwife: "Zak, please leave us to deal with Catherine (y/n). I promise she'll be fine and we'll help her"

I was pushed away from the love of my life, I really wanted to just stay by her side but I knew the OBGYN/midwife are helping. I need the guys or maybe even my mum, I need support I don't know what to do. So I quickly pulled my phone out and dialed a couple of numbers

Nancy: "Zak hunny slow down, what's wrong? What's going on?"

Zak: "mom, Catherine's in hospital..."

Nancy: "is she ok sweetheart?"

Zak: "I don't know..."

Nancy: "I'll be there as quick as I can baby"

Zak: "bye mom"

Then I called the guys, Aaron picked up the phone, I couldn't speak all that came out was panicked words

Aaron: "dude, what's wrong?"

Zak: "Catherine (y/n)..."

Aaron: "is she ok dude?...."

Zak: "I don't know...."

Aaron: "Shit! Ok we're on the way, are you in the hospital?"

Zak: "yeah"

Aaron: "ok bro, hang in there we're on our way"

I hung up and checked in on the OBGYNs/midwifes and Catherine (y/n)

Head OBGYN/midwife: "we're taking her up to the maternity ward now"

Zak: "is she ok?...please tell me she's ok"

Head OBGYN/midwife: "she'll be ok once we get her up there"

Zak: "and the baby?"

Head OBGYN/midwife: "it's perfect, we've got monitors monitoring the baby right now"

Zak: "Oh thank god!"

I followed close behind the OBGYNs/midwifes as they take Catherine (y/n) up to the ward, I kept my eyes glued to Catherine (y/n) and I mentally prayed for her and the baby to be ok.

As we was almost in the room they was putting Catherine (y/n) in I saw her open her eyes very briefly and very slowly like she was sleepy. She was trying to speak but as she had a breathing mask on her to help her with oxygen as her oxygen levels went really low, it was a little bit hard to speak.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak?"

Zak: "I'm right here baby"

Once all the OBGYNs/midwifes got Catherine (y/n) all rested and plenty of fluids in her, they gave us some space. She keeps drifting in and out of sleep but I'm so glad she's ok.

I held Catherine's (y/n) hand and I kissed it, every time she looked at me my heart broke, I hate seeing her like this.

Zak: "you scared me so much baby, I felt so hopeless"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm sorry for making you worry about me" she put her hand on my face, I kissed her palm.

Zak: "it's all my fault, I made you like this"

Catherine (y/n): "it's not your fault baby, please stop thinking it's your fault. We both wanted to have a baby"

I just looked at her and my eyes started to tear up, and a tear ran down my cheek

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