Meeting Zak's mom

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Waking up in Las Vegas still amazes me, I couldn't believe how happy I really am, also waking up to see Zak laying next to me makes it even more perfect. It feels like I'm dreaming and I have even caught myself pinching myself to see if I'm actually awake.

As Zak was sleeping peacefully next to me I decided to get up and let Gracie out to do her business.

Catherine (y/n): "come on girl, do you need to go out?"

Gracie followed behind me and waited for me to let her out, after I unlocked the back door she went out to do her business. Whilst I waited for Gracie to finish and for her to come back inside I made myself and Zak a cup of tea, I had a feeling he'd wake up soon.

I decided to look in the refrigerator to see what I can do for breakfast for me and Zak, little did I know Zak creeped up behind me and he startled me and made me jumped out of my skin when he wrapped his arms around me.

Zak: "morning beautiful"

Catherine (y/n): "jesus Zak, don't scare me like that!"

Zak started to laugh a little

Zak: "I'm sorry baby" he kissed me and wrapped his arms around me again.

Catherine (y/n): "No wonder why the spirits sometimes hide from you if you sneak up on them like that"

We both laughed at my comment, and I embraced him. I could just stay in Zak's arms forever, being in his arms makes me feel safe, secure, protected and loved.

Catherine (y/n): "I made you cup of tea baby"

Zak: "Thank you baby....hey you got it right"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm glad I made it right, every time I make you one I keep thinking I'm making it wrong"

Zak: "no you made it perfect, you make it better than I do"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm glad you like it"

Zak finished his tea and then fed Gracie some food, I was about to cook us some breakfast when Zak stopped me.

Zak: "let's go out for some breakfast and then we can go to the museum for a little bit before our plans tonight"

Catherine (y/n): "what have you got planned for us for tonight baby?"

Zak: "well I was thinking, dinner and go and watch a movie, or we can go for a walk and then movie night at home"

Catherine (y/n): "I can't decide baby I like both of those plans"

Zak: "as long as I'm with you baby I don't mind what we do"

He really is the sweetest man ever, he really does know how to make me happy. Zak was just about to kiss me when there was a knock at the door.

Catherine (y/n): "it's probably Jay and Morgan with my cases, I'll go and get dressed"

Zak: "Ok baby, I'll get the door"

Zak gave me a quick kiss before I went to get dressed and he headed for the door.

Zak's point of view

I answered the door thinking it was Jay and Morgan but it was actually my mom.

Zak: "mom, what you doing here?"

Nancy (Zak's mom): "well that's a nice welcome for your mother son"

Zak: "sorry mom, you surprised me that's all, how are you?"

I kissed her cheek as she came into the hallway

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