Revealing the truth

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Zak's point of view

I made it to the hospital and I made my way up to Catherine's (y/n) room. When I walked in I can see she was asleep, I gently kissed her to wake her up.

Zak: "hey beautiful I'm here now"

I whispered in her ear, then she finally woke up. When I looked at her carefully I can see she's been crying, and she looked like she wasn't happy with me.

Zak: "what's wrong baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "I don't know Zak what IS wrong?"

I'm getting worried, why was she upset with me. What have I done wrong.

Zak: "baby please tell me what have I done wrong?, coz I haven't got a clue what I've done wrong"

She just looked at me, how Catherine (y/n) is looking at me right now is really making me feel uncomfortable.

Catherine (y/n): "I don't know, how about the fact you've been in the police station and haven't told me why and what the fuck is going on!"

Zak: "baby please...I promised you I'd tell you when I see you. And I am gonna tell you right now"

I held Catherine's (y/n) hands and I looked at her, I can see she was starting to relax but I can tell she was still a little bit annoyed with me.

Zak: "remember I told you I was being stalked by that girl?"

Catherine (y/n) nodded her head slightly

Zak: "well when I left here earlier and I returned home I noticed I was being followed. She followed me all the way to Billy's and then to Aaron's. After a little while I stopped the car and Billy called the cops"

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god, then what happend baby?"

Zak: "the cops arrested her and we had to go to the station to give them our statements, we had to wait to see what the outcome was"

Catherine (y/n): "did you find out?"

I just looked at her and smiled

Zak: "she's being sent down for her actions"

Catherine (y/n): "really!?" She smiled at me and I can see how relieved she was

Zak: "really, but there's something else I got to tell you baby....She pleaded guilty of causing the hit and run accident we was in"

Catherine (y/n): "wait she caused the accident?"

Zak: "yeah, I had a feeling it was her before but then I thought it couldn't have been her. So when she pleaded guilty I was shocked to find out it was her"

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I couldn't believe it, that girl caused the accident. I felt angry but at the same time I was so happy to hear she won't be bothering Zak again.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm so happy for you baby"

Zak: "me too baby, now I don't have to worry about her hurting you or the baby"

I wrapped my arms around Zak and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

Catherine (y/n): "I'll always be safe as long as I'm with you baby"

Zak: "and I promise I'll always protect you and the baby"

Then we kissed, it started off gentle then Zak deepend it. I felt bad for snapping at Zak, I knew he would have told me but I was worried. I pulled away and looked sad.

Zak: "what's wrong baby?" Zak put his hand on the side of my face.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm sorry for snapping at you baby, I was just worried and it felt like you was hiding something from me"

Zak: "it's ok beautiful, I know you didn't mean to. I did hide it from you but only because I didn't want you to worry and cause stress to you and the baby. I'm sorry for keeping it from you baby"

Catherine (y/n): "it's ok baby, I know you meant well"

Zak: "I love you baby"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more"

Zak's point of view

I have to admit it was a huge relief that my stalker is being sent down for her actions. Maybe I can finally relax and look after Catherine (y/n) and the baby properly. As I was looking at Catherine (y/n) I felt pure happiness but what I didn't realise she no longer had the IV drips in her arm any more.

Zak: "baby where's the IV lines?"

Catherine (y/n): "the OBGYN/midwife took them out"

Then it hit me, she can finally come home.

Zak: "does this mean you can come home tomorrow?"

Catherine (y/n): "yes, yes it does I managed to keep the last meal down so far"

Zak: "I'm so happy, my little family back under one roof, Gracie will be happy to have you home"

Catherine (y/n): "I can't wait baby, we can finally start getting things ready for the baby"

Zak: "you're not gonna do anything, you're gonna rest up and not do too much"

Catherine (y/n): "Zak I can't just sit around I'll go crazy, I'm not made out of glass"

Zak: "I know you're not made out of glass, but you're not quite invincible either baby. I don't want you to do to much to cause harm to you and the baby"

Catherine (y/n): "I'll be fine baby, honest"

Zak: "please baby, I just want to keep you safe"

Catherine (y/n): "ok, I won't do too much"

Zak: "that's my girl, so you haven't experienced any sickness at all?"

Catherine (y/n): "not really, I did a little bit earlier when I didn't hear from you but that's about it"

Zak: "sounds like the baby knows when daddy isn't around" I rubbed her bump

Catherine (y/n): "seems like the baby is a daddy's boy or daddy's girl already"

I laughed a little bit and continued to rub her belly. I then leaned down, kissed the baby bump and talked to it.

Zak: "daddy's here now baby, I'm not going anywhere"

As it was getting late we just watched tv and I held Catherine (y/n) in my arms, whilst bonding with the baby. One thing is for sure I can't wait to finally meet our little baby and take him or her home.

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