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Catherine (y/n) point of view

Why hasn't Zak said anything yet....oh god have I scared him away? does he think I'm crazy?

Catherine (y/n): "I'll completely understand if you don't want anything to do with me anymore, I just want to thank you for everything, I'll be in my bedroom and you can see yourself out"

Just as I was heading towards my room, I felt Zak gently grab my wrist.

Zak: "Catherine (y/n), please don't walk away from me...the thing is I...I really like you too. I've liked you ever since you sent me the tweet congratulating me on winning the award for best museum. I thought wow this girl is amazing and so caring for others, and I thought she is beautiful. That's why I only liked your tweet. Ever since then I've had feelings for you but was to shy to say anything".

Catherine (y/n): "you mean it?"

Zak: "of course I do, and when I saw you get badly affected in my museum all I kept thinking was I can't let my girl get a bad attachment, and it killed me seeing you in pain"

Catherine (y/n): "I dont know what to say, you're the sweetest guy I know Zak and that's one of the reasons why I really like you. I'm speechless"

Zak: "please be mine?, I know we haven't known each other personally for long but I feel like I've known you my whole life"

By this point I had tears coming out of my eyes, I really do love Zak and I want to be with him. But I'm also scared about a couple of things, I don't want to waste another minute not being with Zak.

Catherine (y/n): "of course I'll be yours Zak"

Zak lets go of my wrist and wraps his arms around me, then he put one hand to the side of my face wiped away a tear and he kissed me. It started of soft, then he deepened it.

I couldn't believe it I'm kissing Zak Bagans, my celeb crush, the man I've been dreaming of since I started watching ghost adventures. It felt amazing, if this is a dream I definitely don't want to wake up. He's just so perfect.

Zak's point of view

I can't believe it I'm kissing Catherine (y/n), why didn't I do anything the first time I met her. I deepen the kiss even more, I need her like I need air to breathe, she's the light to my darkness and I'm not gonna let anything take her away from me or let anything hurt her.

When we pulled away I couldn't help but notice Catherine (y/n) was blushing slightly, She even made me blush a little. I gave her one more soft kiss on her lips and said to her...

Zak: "shall we watch this movie then?"

She giggled a little

Catherine (y/n): "ok, I'll just stick it on. Can you get us a drink and do the popcorn please"

Zak: "of course I can"

As I walked into the kitchen and I made us both a cup of tea and done the popcorn, Catherine (y/n) came into the kitchen just as the popcorn finished in the microwave

Catherine (y/n): "here I'll help you"

She carried the bowl of popcorn into the sitting area and placed it on the coffee table with our drinks and joined her on the couch.

As the movie was about to start we both got comfy and Catherine (y/n) cuddled up to me. This seems weird as we just got together but it feels perfect having her in my arms whilst we watch one of our favourite movies together. I'm thankful for the jerk who hurted her as that just brought her closer to me and into my life.

The only thing that really worries me is what will happen when she goes back to the UK, I can't lose her, I can't live without her.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

The movie has just finished so me and Zak decided to get to know each other more, we have both learned we have alot of things in common which is quite freaky in a way but also perfect.

My phone started to ring, it was Paris (b/f1) calling me, She was making sure I was ok and to let me know where she and Nikita (b/f2) was.

Paris (b/f1): "Hey Catherine (y/n) you ok? Haven't heard from you all day"

Catherine (y/n): "Hey, yeah I'm good. Sorry about that I woke up late and then Zak text me and then he came over so..." Paris (b/f1) cut me off before I can finish

Paris (b/f1): "woah wait...Zak is there with you?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah, he came over to talk and we're watching some movies"

Paris (b/f1): "ooh anything's else? We need information"

Catherine (y/n): "I can't really say but I'll tell you later, where are you two anyway?"

Paris (b/f1): "we've been to pretty much everywhere, little bit of shopping, had food, so we'll be on our way back in a minute. Unless you and Zak need some more private time?"

I can tell she was hinting at something and can picture her winking at me

Catherine (y/n): "uhh maybe I don't know, we'll talk when you get back. Love ya bye" I hung before she can say anymore.

Just as I was gonna cuddle Zak his phone started to ring. It was Billy checking in with Zak to see if I'm ok.

Zak: "Hey bro, yeah she's great I'm with her now"

I couldn't hear what Billy but I knew he was talking about our emergency lockdown.

Zak: "I'm just gonna take this phone call baby and then I can get back to spending time with you"

Catherine (y/n): "that's fine baby take your time" Zak gave me a quick kiss and he went into my room to talk to Billy and the guys.

Zak's point of view

Zak: "What's up Billy?"

Billy: "have you told Catherine (y/n) how you feel about her?"

Zak: "yeah I've told her"

Billy: "and .....?"

Zak: "we are together now"

Billy: "I'm happy for you bro, have you both talked about the lock down?"

Zak: "No not yet but I will"

Billy: "ok dude, me Aaron and Jay we'll come over to yours later if you want?"

Zak: "yeah that's cool dude, I'll see you all soon"

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